Shabbat Shalom December 31, 2016
Shalom Mishpacha!
Millie and I pray that you and your families are enjoying this Chanukah season! There have been wonderful gatherings at homes, as the lights of this season were lit. Great fellowship has been taking place as Messianic believers from all over the area, as well as congregations from the entire front range get together to celebrate Yeshua together as the light of the world! What a great way to bring 2016 to an appropriate conclusion.
Millie and I are in Kansas City right now participating in a global leadership summit, as part of the annual Onething conference hosted by IHOP. Wonderful teaching and great networking and fellowship! God is moving all over the world, and we are hearing great testimonies of salvation and healing in nations that are "closed" to the gospel! We will not be there for the service this weekend, but want to encourage all of you not to miss this upcoming Shabbat! Bart Ford, elder at Lighthouse Messianic Fellowship, will be bringing the message this week. God has put an important and timely message on his heart to share with us. THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A FAVORITE DISH TO SHARE! These are important times of fellowship, don't miss out!
Please keep Millie and I in your prayer as we will be driving back on Sunday, following the conference. We look forward to seeing all of you in 2017, as we sense that Father is getting ready to break through in our midst. As we pursue Him in our study of the word, engage with Him in our prayer life and worship, we will see His kingdom purposes fulfilled in our personal lives, families, and in our ministries.
We love you all so much!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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