Shabbat 3/25/2017
Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
Join us this Shabbat, March 25th, at 10:30am, as we remember and observe this "Yom Kadosh"(Holy Day). The Shabbat is the first thing that God declared Holy! It is a "rehearsal" of the Messianic age, when we will find our rest in the person of Yeshua! At Or Chaim, we love to worship Him, read from the Torah and respond to His presence, and encourage one another. This week, I will be sharing a message about 2 mountains we see in scripture, Mt. Sinai and Mt. Zion. We really sense that He wants to speak to us through this important message! We will be having a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish to share with everyone. Also, Millie and I would like to have a debrief with those who were on the Bless Israel outreach at our Oneg. We are already putting the next trip together for February 12-26, 2018!
Get your tickets for our Passover Seder now! We will be enjoying the beautiful Haggadah (story) from our personalized Haggadah, and an amazing catered dinner on Monday, April 10th, at 6pm. It will be a great time with your family, and of course, invite your friends and co-workers! It's a great opportunity to hear the good news of the kingdom, as portrayed in the exodus from Egypt.
We so look forward to seeing all of you on Shabbat!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
Or Chaim Congregation
166 S Lookout Mountain Rd
Golden CO 80401