Shabbat 10/20/2018
Shalom Everyone!
This shabbat, October 20th @10:30am we will be hosting a dear friend, Alex Yalenga, from Zambia, Africa! Alex is the Messianic Rabbi of Zambia Messianic Fellowship reaching out to Muslims, Jews, and Animists with the good news of the Kingdom from a Jewish perspective. Did you know that Messianic Judaism is growing on the continent of Africa? He and his wife and 4 children have had an incredible impact on the continent of Africa, with an amazing testimony of faith, miracles, and God’s grace and goodness! Their ministry also operates a full-time orphanage that provides education and daily meals to students, as well as funds scholarships for high school. They also have a radio program that reaches remote parts of the country with the gospel. He is a dear friend of Or Chaim and we are honored to have him this week, as he will only be in the Denver area for a short time. This would be a great opportunity to invite family and friends and be challenged and encouraged about what God is doing around the world!
We want to bless Alex and his ministry with a love offering following the service! People often ask us “how can I be involved in making a difference in the world?” One of the most effective ways is to support those, like Alex and his family, who are impacting places for the Kingdom that we may never get the opportunity to visit. You will love this man’s heart! WE WILL HAVE A “POT-BLESS” ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND ENJOY FELLOWSHIP, AND HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET ALEX!
We look forward to seeing you this Shabbat!
Stewart and Millie