Shabbat Shalom Mother’s Day Weekend 5/12/2018
Shabbat Shalom!
A truly amazing time to be alive! To see prophesy fulfilled so quickly in our lifetimes, should encourage us in these days. Some of it is scary, such as Biblical Persia (Iran) coming against Israel and Damascus being laid waste. Other fulfillments give hope, like the re-birth of Israel and the re-unification of Jerusalem, and so many other things that God said would happen, are coming to pass so quickly! Be confident, and stay faithful!
Happy Mother’s Day Weekend to all moms. Give thanks to the Lord this weekend for your mother and bless her in tangible ways. Those whose mom’s have already completed their work here on earth, take a moment and reflect. Give God thanks! Those who have had painful relationships, if you can take a step towards healing. After all without our moms we would not be here.
This Shabbat, May 12th, we will be looking at Romans 12:1-8, with a message titled “Transformed Lives”, exploring how to be renewed in our thought life, with practical suggestions on how to really do it! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE, AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP!
Next Shabbat, May 19th, we will be hosting Bill and Rose Mary Bullock of Rabbi’s Son Ministry to share on the Biblical feast, Shavuot! He has an incredible way of bringing Torah to life, which draws all of us into a greater desire for intimacy with the Holy One of Israel! You don’t want to miss this special time, and he will be with us all day, so invite your friends and family , and also bring some food to share as we will have a potluck lunch between the sessions.We will take up a love offering for the Bullocks' to bless them! On Sunday, May 20th, we will join the Messianic community for a city-wide celebration of Shavuot at Central Park, in the Stapleton neighborhood of Denver. Bring a picnic lunch and join in the fun!
I want to encourage all who consider Or Chaim their congregational home to be faithful in your attendance at our services. Our attitude should be to honor and serve the Lord on Shabbat. It is about WORSHIPPING HIM, and observing His command to REST IN HIM, and joining with the community to BLESS HIM! It’s not about what the congregation provides, or doesn’t provide for you, it is about HONORING HIM corporately!