Or Chaim Congregation

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Tonight Erev Yom Kippur!

Chag Sameach!

Join us tonight, September 18th@7pm for our very special YOM KIPPUR KOL NIDRE SERVICE! We will be meeting on the mountain, downstairs in the fellowship room. PLEASE USE THE OUTSIDE WALKWAY THAT LEADS DOWNSTAIRS.

Tomorrow evening, September 19th@5:30pm, join us at the home of Larry and Joyce Larsen, 117 S. Rogers Way, Golden 80401, as we close out YOM KIPPUR with our Break- Fast. This is a potluck meal, so please bring either main dish, side dish or salad, or dessert. This is a wonderful evening of fellowship as we bring this holiest day of the Biblical year to a close! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE!

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401