Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat 1/22/2019 special Guest from Jerusalem Bess and Larry Herzekow

Shabbat Shalom!

Last week we looked at several heroes of faith who responded “Hineni" (Here am I) and were taken from the ordinary to greatness by their willingness to yield themselves to God by embracing something far greater than themselves. Most of the time when we say “yes, I am available to You”, we are not able to see the end result and there may be some apprehension or reluctance or even real doubt about our ability to do what He has asked! This is where faith in HIS character and a yieldedness or surrender to Him is what propels us into destiny and fruitfulness. We also saw how our response of “Hineni” elicits a response a “Hineni “ from God that He is with there with us!

This shabbat, January 12th, we are blessed to have Larry and Bess Herzekow from Jerusalem joining with us. They have a ministry  operating on the outskirts of Jerusalem called Beit Rachamim (House of Compassion) with a focus of connecting Evangelical Believers with Israel. They host teams and connect people with ministries in the land by doing practical service for believing Jewish communities as well as the lost sheep of Israel. You don’t want to miss their presentation with us and spend some time getting to know this precious couple! WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR SOME WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP!

Also, Kent Brown will be teaching Biblical Hebrew at 9am. This has been an exciting and fun, and I am sure challenging time for those who have participated. Thanks Kent for your faithfulness in teaching this class! At 3pm following our Oneg, we will be having our Torah Club. This has been a time of great discussion and Midrash of the Torah reading of the week! This week the reading is entitled “Bo” (go), as we continue the exciting story of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. We look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401
