Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat 2/2/2019

Shabbat Shalom!

Have you ever had the thought: “if I were God …”, and then (in your thoughts, of course) proceed with doing away with everyone who disagreed with you and implementing what you thought would be what God would do? Sure you have! These last few weeks as we have seen a growing debate in this nation about cultural values in regards to life and death and what our children are taught in schools about their identity, I have to confess that He has so much more mercy and grace and long-suffering than I do! Nevertheless, this is a time where God is calling His sons and daughters to wake up and sound the shofar and pray as we have never done before! We have to come back to His ancient paths, His covenant ways so that we do not lose the blessings that He has promised through obedience and love.
This Shabbat, February 2nd, I will be starting an important series of teachings on COVENANT where we will look at what it is and how God relates to us as A LOVING, COVENANT KEEPING FATHER. We will be especially looking at the New Covenant and its promises and how as a society we have walked so far away from true understanding of right relationship with the Creator of the universe! You do not want to miss this series!
With the Spring festivals on the horizon, we at Or Chaim are gearing up so as to have wonderful times of celebration as we remember and observe these special Mo’adim. We are looking to have community gatherings for Purim, and Shavuot, and of course we will be having our Congregational Passover Seder on Friday, April 19th. In preparation of these events, DAVID AND LAURA ARONSTEIN WILL BE STARTING DANCE CLASS! Beginning this Shabbat at 2pm (between Oneg and Torah Club) they will go over basics where we are going to start learning and practicing dances for Purim, Passover and Shavuot! No experience is necessary; the only requirement to be in a dance is that you come and practice with us! Beginners are welcome... as they say... “if you come, we will teach! Believe me, I have two left feet and they taught me how to dance! If you have any questions contact David or Laura.
Ladies you are all invited this Sunday at 1pm for Fellowship worship and encouragement at the Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship being held at Koelbel Library!  Bring a friend!
Remember, Kent will be teaching Biblical Hebrew at 9am, and Torah Club will be at 3pm on Shabbat. Look forward to seeing you at service!Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401