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Shabbat 12/21/2019

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
This weekend we enter the Biblical festival known as Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication)! It is a wonderful time as we remember the heroism of a small group of Jewish patriots who had a passion to restore righteousness and purity back to the temple of God! Its a time for us to rededicate our passion for Yeshua, His Word and embrace the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. Yeshua (Jesus) Himself participated in this festival and boldly took the opportunity to proclaim that He was “Messhiach El”, the Messiah of God! I will share a special message this Shabbat about the significance of this season.

This is going to be a fun Shabbat, followed by a POT-BLESS ONEG, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP! You may be wondering if it would be appropriate to bring potato latkes or sufganiot (jelly doughnuts) to Oneg this Shabbat… bring them on!!! These are traditional foods at Hanukkah, as well as kugel and blintzes, sweet foods prepared with oil.

This is a special time of the year, many of will be visiting with family and friends and for some of you, it may even be an awkward time with the overlap of Hanukkah and Christmas. It is also an exciting time to introduce others to this wonderful Biblical Feast of Dedication. I want to encourage all of you to be sensitive and non-judgmental toward others who may not worship the same way as you do at this time of the year. This is a wonderful opportunity to embrace the ONE NEW MAN we are called to be! I love the fact that we celebrate the “Festival of Lights” at this time of the year and we worship Yeshua, the LIGHT OF THE WORLD AND EMMANUEL GOD WITH US!

December 29th at 6pm we will be participating in a COMMUNITY HANUKKAH CELEBRATION at Church In The City/Beth Abraham. Congregations and churches throughout the metro area will be coming together to worship and fellowship together as we light our ‘Hanukkiot’ and end the evening with snacks and desserts!

We look forward to seeing you at Shabbat this week!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!Stewart and Millie166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401