Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat 12/7/2019

Shabbat Shalom!
On a personal note, this was moving week! Millie and I sold our townhouse in Westminster and have moved farther “up the mountain” to Genesee! We love our new place, but moving can be pretty consuming as you can imagine. Stay tuned for our ‘housewarming’ when you all will be invited to come up for fellowship! This Shabbat, December 7th I will start a new series entitled “A JOURNEY BACK TO OUR BIBLICAL ROOTS”. There has been a movement in the body of Messiah to “unhitch” itself from the Jewish scriptures, with the injunction that all we need is Jesus! How can we possibly do this when so much of our Old Testament speaks about Yeshua! We need to become passionate about the Word of God, and see that Genesis 1:1 is as much a part of our faith as John 3:16! Hope you can all come out and join us. WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP!

Our Shabbat day is a full day with Hebrew study at 9am led by Kent Brown. This has been a blessing to those who have been diligent to understand the language of the scriptures and learning to read and write this beautiful language. At 3pm we have been having Torah Club, and they have been studying Torah from the perspective of the “Shadows of the Messiah”. Wonderful times, so come on out and join us!

Recently I mentioned that we will be having an Immersion (Baptism) service at Roeh Israel this Sunday , December 8th. This event is postponed until a later date. If the Lord has put on your heart to be immersed please let me know as we look to reschedule this event.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mtn RdGolden CO 80401

Praying for and Saying goodbye to Mary Jane! We will miss her!