Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat 2/16/2019

Shabbat Shalom!

I was reading an article recently by one of our Tikkun elders who lives in Israel, Eitan Shishkoff, that reminded me of what God’s heart in these last days really is. It’s not complicated, and as a matter of fact, may seem superficially simple if it weren’t so true, “May these twin passions of our Father - the Harvest and Brotherhood - motivate us and guide our priorities as we consider how to live in the last days.” Yeshua desires that "…all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth”, and He has chosen you and me to be His agents to bring this truth to people everywhere! The Psalmist likens the fellowship and brotherhood of Believers as the anointing oil that COMMANDS the blessing of LIFE FOREVERMORE! So as you can see, if these things are a priority for our Heavenly Father, should they not be for us?

This Shabbat, February 16th, I will be continuing my series on COVENANT by looking further into the BRIT CHADASHA (NEW COVENANT) and how it is not just a re-newed Covenant of old but something so amazing and comprehensive!


Some important events coming up that you need to put in your calendar. On Sunday, March 17th, from 5pm-8pm, we will be joining with a CITYWIDE CELEBRATION OF PURIM at CHURCH IN THE CITY/BETH ABRAHAM! Several Messianic congregations in the Metro area are coming together to celebrate the miraculous salvation of the Jewish people from Haman’s (Boo!) planned genocide, as recounted in the Book of Esther. We will start off with a meal and then have a glorious time of worship and a creative telling of the story, followed by games for the children and a costume contest! This will be a great and fun time for the whole family, and a great opportunity to invite friends and family to this Biblical festival! CITC/BA IS LOCATED AT 1580 GAYLORD ST. DENVER, 80206.

On Friday, April 19th, from 6pm-10pm, Or Chaim will be holding it’s annual PASSOVER SEDER at the Aurora Realtors Association, 14201 E. Evans Dr., Aurora, 80014. This Biblical “Appointed Time” is an exciting evening as we share the incredible deliverance of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt! Not only will we be partaking in the Seder but we will have a delicious, catered meal and wonderful music and dance as well as fellowship. YOU CAN PURCHASE TICKETS NOW BY GOING TO OUR WEBSITE www.or-chaim.com AND CLICKING ON WHERE IT SAYS “EVENTS PAGE”. PRICES FOR THIS MAGNIFICENT EVENING ARE: $36/ADULT; $18 FOR CHILDREN; FREE FOR KIDS UNDER 5! I would strongly encourage you to order tickets early, as I am sure they will sell out and seating is limited!

There are many other things happening at Or Chaim, including Torah Club, Messianic Dance, and Hebrew Study, so get involved and be blessed!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie