National Day of Prayer 5/2/2019 Denver Capital
At the beginning of the year, The Lord spoke clearly to us as a community, HINENI, which is more than just “here am I” but has a much deeper meaning, more like an offer of total availability. We are being invited by the Almighty God to participate with Him in bringing a nation back to Him! Thursday, May 2nd at 11am is the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER, a day to PRAY FOR AMERICA, that was began in 1952 by President Harry Truman. Churches and Congregations from around the metro area will be gathering on the west steps of the State Capital to proclaim that Adonai is Lord and that He desires to continue to bless this nation! The theme of this year’s gathering is “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” (John 13:34), and what more fitting thing to do than join together as a faith community, seek Heaven’s strategies and call them down to Planet Earth in every aspect of our culture!
I want to encourage all of us, if at all possible, to come together for this important initiative. As I have shared many times in our services, our nation is at a very significant crossroads, where we are called as ‘Sons of God’ to speak truth, in love and humility, into our families, government, media, businesses, entertainment, schools etc. Several community leaders and Pastors have been invited to pray into these areas. I have been asked to pray specifically over churches/congregations and pastors, so I would very much appreciate your prayer for me as I prepare to do this. As we pray and declare publicly for these things, I would encourage all of us to individually commit to pray for the Spiritual condition of this country, for Alignment in the body of Messiah to it’s core Biblical values of righteousness, purity, integrity, and the honoring of life. Also, for the Church to come into greater revelation of their call to love Israel and the Jewish people and provoke them to jealousy for their Jewish Messiah! One more thing to pray for is security, and that any evil schemes for destruction or harm would be exposed!
The weather is supposed to be pleasant, with temperatures in the low 60’s, with no rain. the program will be from 11am-1pm, so I would encourage you to bring water and a folding chair if you cannot stand for the whole time. It is fine to bring banners and flags, shofars and of course your bibles! Parking at the Capital is not great, so leave early and there is free parking on side streets for 2 hour periods, also there is paid public parking close by. You can take Light Rail to Union Station, and then the 16th Street mall bus which is free and it will take you very close to the Capital. Look forward to seeing you all there!Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie