Shabbat 4/25/2020
Shabbat Shalom Family!
An old Beatles song entitled THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD kind of tells the story of where we are as a nation as we begin (hopefully) to get things going soon. Frankly, I’m ready to go now...however we don’t have the “green light” as of now to open fully but we can get creative and meet in groups of 10 or less at least six feet apart in different areas of the congregation as long as we meet with health and social distancing measures in place. We have plenty of room to do that. If you feel led then let us know you want to come. If you are sick, please stay home and view via zoom or Facebook live. Please pray for wisdom for us as your Congregational leaders and also our local, state and national leaders at this crucial time! We will continue to have our on-line services and ministry but look forward to the day when we can see you face to face and hug you without social distancing!
This Shabbat, April 25th, I will be sharing an important message about HOW TO EXERCISE SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY IN TIMES OF SHAKING: SEATED WITH HIM! I want to encourage you to join us on FaceBook and Zoom because this word will help us navigate these perilous times. The Word of God is rich with wisdom and truth that will defeat any enemy, virus, circumstance or challenge we will ever face! Our on-line services have had an added blessing as we are able to reach people all around the world! Last week we were able to pray for some very dear friends in Kenya who pastor a church and an orphanage outside of Nairobi. Also, we have folks joining our services from Israel, Australia as well as many parts of the United States!
Again, please pray for us for wisdom because much of the information out there is not clear and at times conflicting. We as a leadership want to hear what Father is saying in the midst of many other voices! We love you all and look forward to “seeing” you on Shabbat! We will be sending you the access information for Zoom before Saturday. Hopefully you have already received it. If you have not in an earlier email please respond to this one so we can send it to you.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,
Stewart and Millie