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Shabbat June 13, 2020

I have been struck by two words that The Lord speaks in Revelation 18, “COME OUT …!” He goes on to explain what we are to come out from. As I have said several times in the last few months, there is an urgency in my spirit and my whole being that the time for being alert and paying attention to the signs of the times, and the Word of God is now! The TRUE BRIDE is being awakened and there is a call to “wash our robes” and make haste out of a world system that is growing darker and uglier every day. I will be bringing a message this Shabbat entitled “Dueling Brides”, and we will explore how we are to be a consecrated Bride to the One who loves us with an undying love! It has not been an easy message to do, as I sense we are at an inflection point for the Ecclesia (church), and we don’t really have an option (well, we do, but it would be tragic) to go back to the “status quo” or the “new normal”.

We are still not at a place where we can re-start our potluck Oneg yet. However, weather permitting, it is fine to bring a picnic lunch and sit outside at the tables and have lunch with each other. Again, please remember to follow the guidelines that have been laid out:
-If you are ill or have a fever PLEASE STAY HOME AND WATCH OUR LIVE-STREAM
-If you are at high risk due to age or pre-existing conditions, use wisdom if you are to come and please wear a mask
-Face masks/coverings for others are recommended but not required
-Please use upstairs restroom and avoid going downstairs
-Please sit at a safe distance from others, unless you are a family unit
-Avoid physical contact as much as possible
-Please be considerate and loving to one another!

As I have mentioned, I trust you to monitor your own behavior and to honor each other. We are having the building thoroughly cleaned after our services, as the Sunday church is also doing the same. Honestly, this has been a challenging time for all of us, first the pandemic and economic shutdown that has impacted all and now, just as we were beginning to reopen, we have disorder and chaos in the streets that has further divided our nation. We need to come together as the people of God, to “humble ourselves and pray and seek His face” and cry out for Heaven’s solutions at this hour!
We hope to see you on Shabbat!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,



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Stewart and Millie