Shabbat Nov 13, 2021
Shabbat Shalom!
As I write this today, our nation has Been celebrating Veteran’s Day, a day in which we honor those who have served this country in the military. As a veteran myself, I look back to my service some 50 years ago and realize for us it was about being part of something bigger than ourselves. As the body of Messiah, we serve our Master and others because of Kingdom principles that are bigger than just our own needs and desires. Are we who comprise the body of Messiah ready to lay our lives down as Yeshua did in order to see His will be done “on earth as it is in heaven”? Honestly, when I joined the Navy as a 17 year old seaman recruit right out of high school I didn’t really consider the full cost of my decision, but as I gradually realized that I was in something much bigger than myself, a sense of responsibly to do my part settled on me. This is how it should be in the Kingdom, when we realize we are sons and daughters of the Most High and it consequently motivates us to use whatever He has given us to see His purposes come to pass!
This Shabbat November 13th I will be sharing the second part of a message on Stewardship. Do we realize He has entrusted us to build His House? Do we realize that He has already provided all the resources we need! Just because my gifts are different than yours, does that mean that I am more valued or less valued by my Heavenly Father? These are questions we often ask and we will explore what the Word of God has to say about these things. Come on up to the Mountain and let us worship Him together as one Body, with different parts that all need one another!
Hanukkah is just around the corner! It begins on the evening of Sunday, November 28th. On that first night we will light the candles on the Hanukkiah at the home of Pete and Linda Doty. There address is 1929 Interlocken Dr. Evergreen, 80439. This will be a wonderful evening of fellowship, remembering the dedication of the Temple and of course, celebrating Yeshua as our Light of the World! All are welcome! On Tuesday night the community will have a candlelighting ceremony at 5:30 pm Nov 30th at the State Capitol. Please come join and support this event. On Wednesday December 1st, at 6pm we will gather at Rez Anglican Church in Greenwood Village, 9250 E. Belleview Ave, 80111, and do outreach into the Jewish community singing Chanukah songs and Christmas carols! We will also bless the folks with hot chocolate, so all are welcome to come on out and bless them. If you play guitar, bring it so we can have several teams go out, and don’t worry about not having a great voice because it will be making a joyful sound to the Lord!
Just one more thing, the men will be having our annual Advance at the Hideaway Inn in Colorado Springs on January 20-21st. Cost is only $135, and our special speaker will be Chuck Stecker, as we join with the men of Castlewood Canyon Church for this wonderful event. We will be giving you more information in the weeks ahead.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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