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Shabbat 4/21/2021 plus Havdalah Evening

Shabbat Shalom!I know what you are thinking and saying: “man, things are really sliding out of control and nobody is in charge!” I have got really good news for you today, Yeshua Himself says, “When these things start to happen, STAND UP AND HOLD YOUR HEADS HIGH; BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE LIBERATED!” (Luke 21:28). Wow, if that doesn’t encourage you, nothing will, and you need to start reading your Word again, and trusting again that everything He says will come to pass! The message of the Kingdom and of our King is all about Hope, Love and being Joyful in the midst of tribulation and hardship!
This Shabbat August 21st (Elul13) Father has given me a message to bring entitled Things Not Yet Restored: A Place For His Presence!, and I will hope to highlight what He is doing in our faith community. Covenant relationship is something that has been God’s desire to see us walk in since the garden. What is significant about covenant, is the aspect of ‘death’. I am not talking here about physical death, although that is part of the process, I am talking about dying to the old things like flesh patterns, mindsets, attitudes and unrighteous living that keeps us “stuck” in old wineskins. The era that we are in now, with the world in crisis, has not caught God by surprise and it is a time where we are being challenged to trust Him and walk in faith more than any other time before. You don’t want to miss this service!

This Saturday evening August 21st at 5:30pm, we will be gathering for our monthly ‘Havdalah’ as we close out the Shabbat. We will meet at Lee Cooperman’s new home,7574 S. Grand Baker Ct., Aurora 80016 for a wonderful evening of fellowship, food and giving thanks to Yeshua for all He is to us! It will be a Mexican themed potluck, so bring a main dish or side or dessert that has a ’south of the border’ flair to it! Drinks will be provided and we will also affix a ‘Mezuzah’ on Lee’s door to his new house! Everyone is invited and it will be a great evening!

Mishpacha, be encouraged in the Lord! God is good and He is faithful and will do what He says he will do!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie



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