Shabbat November 19th, 2022
As we celebrate Thanksgiving next week, we as a leadership want to say how thankful we are for you! For many, the last few years has been challenging (to say the least!) and the ‘family’ has become more important to us all. As we gather with our families this next week, take time to thank our faithful God and Father for the blessings He has poured on us!
This Shabbat November 19th we will be meeting at The Dwelling Place in Golden at 11am. The address is 16800 W. 9th Ave. Golden, 80401. We will be welcoming Tzofia Rogers as our special guest. Tzofia and her husband Avi live in Florida and have an incredible ministry of training and equipping others in prophetic ministry. She is a gifted teacher, counselor and conference speaker with a heart to “get the body moving” and prepared for the Lords return! She is ordained with Tikkun International. She will be joined by her daughter in law Hallel who will be leading worship. She will also be at the Women’s retreat this weekend. THERE WILL BE NO ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE!
Millie and I will be taking a needed short sabbatical in December. Our incredible leadership team will be leading our services for the month. We will be sending out a complete schedule of our services and special activities in December as well as the locations soon. For now, I will just let you know that Shabbat December 3rd The Dwelling Place will not be available. However, Or Chaim will be meeting at two locations at 11am in different parts of the city! Elders Russ and Siri Crider will be hosting a fellowship at their home, 22493 Maplewood Ln. Aurora, 80015. Elders David and Laura Aronstein will be hosting a fellowship at their home, 7220 Box Canyon Rd. Sedalia, 80135. You know, with how things are developing in the world, meeting in homes may be something we will be doing more! We will be having worship, sharing from the Word and great fellowship at both of these locations!
Here is the contact information for our elders if you have questions or emergencies arise while we are away: Tom and Mary Westendorf (720-231-8505); Russ and Siri Crider (303-859-1250); David and Laura Aronstein (316-821-5723). MILLIE AND I WILL BE LEAVING ON DECEMBER 1st AND WILL RETURN ON JANUARY 3rd!
Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
We are live-streaming through:
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We love you all and look forward to worshipping with you this week!
Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie