Or Chaim

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving To You All!This morning as I write my weekly update, I am just overwhelmed with thanksgiving to my Lord and King Yeshua! Also, some nostalgia and a bit of sadness came as I remembered past gatherings of family and friends who are now gone, and how we were thankful just to have them in our lives. Millie and I want to encourage you all to take the time over this wonderful holiday to bless each other and be thankful and to forgive past offenses, overlook personality quirks or political and theological differences, and say out loud how thankful you are that they are in your life! I love the words of the Psalmist, “Come let’s sing to Adonai! Let’s shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation! LET’S COME INTO HIS PRESENCE WITH THANKSGIVING; LET’S SHOUT FOR JOY TO HIM WITH SONGS OF PRAISE!” This Shabbat November 23rd we will be meeting of course at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W. 9th Ave, Golden 80401 at 11am. I will be sharing a message about how even in the midst of the present evil in this world, God is more than able to bring life in the Ruach out of old dry bones (no, Im not talking about old people, but situations that we thought were impossible or long dead!). From a historical perspective (and Biblical also), revivals have come in times of strife, despair and chaos. We want to encourage all of you to come on out and worship with us, as the Scripture is clear, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good deeds. And do not neglect our own meetings, as is the habit of some, BUT ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER — AND ALL THE MORE AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING (Hebrews 10:24-25). We will have a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish to share and stay to enjoy fellowship with the Mishpacha!As I shared in our last update, Millie and I are taking a much needed short sabbatical for the month of December, so this will be our last shabbat together for a little while. Our leadership team will be leading our gatherings in our absence, so I want to share with you the plans through the end of the year. Of course as I mentioned we will have our regularly scheduled service this Shabbat. -Shabbat 12/3: The Dwelling Place is not available, so we will be having Shabbat gatherings at two locations! The home of David and Laura Aronstein, 7220 Box Canyon Rd. Sedalia, 80135. Also at the home of Russ and Siri Crider, 22493 Maplewood Ln. Aurora, 80015. BOTH WILL BEGIN AT 11AM!-Shabbat 12/10 and 12/17: Our gatherings will be at The Dwelling Place and the Crider’s, so ask Father where you are to worship for the day! At both locations there will be wonderful praise and worship and sharing from the Torah, and great Midrash about the Scripture. There will also be fellowship and food!-Shabbat 12/24 and 12/31; Because many of our leadership will be out of town, at this time we have no services scheduled, but stay tuned!On Saturday December 10th, Or Chaim Congregation will be participating in an outreach/festival with a Russian church in Wheatridge at 3pm! All are invited and encouraged to attend! Here is the contact information for our elders if you have questions or emergencies arise while we are away: Tom and Mary Westendorf (720-231-8505); Russ and Siri Crider (303-859-1250); David and Laura Aronstein (316-821-5723). MILLIE AND I WILL BE LEAVING ON DECEMBER 1st AND WILL RETURN ON JANUARY 3rd!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website https://www.or-chaim.com  and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788.  You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401. 

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We love you all and look forward to worshipping with you this week!

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie