Shabbat 2/26/2022
Shabbat Shalom!
Things going on around the globe have created an atmosphere of fear, chaos and anxiety. Russia and Ukraine are fighting a bitter war, the Iranian mullahs are threatening Israel and China is acting aggressively in Asia. Inflation is at a four decade high in this nation and so many other things are happening that, if we let them, can bring incredible hopelessness. But I choose to put my trust in the Name above all names, and what our Messiah says, “THESE THINGS I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU, SO THAT IN ME YOU MAY HAVE SHALOM. IN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE, BUT TAKE HEART! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD! (John 16:33). These are dangerous days for sure, but I am always so encouraged when I read the Scripture and hear God’s plans for the world and for us as His children … they are good plans!
I want to encourage you all to come on up to the Mountain this Shabbat February 26th, as we pray for these situations and each other. We need each other, especially during these trying times. This will be a very special Shabbat, as we welcome some wonderful guests. We have invited the Bruse family (mom and dad and their 9 kids!) to lead us in worship and praise. They are traveling to as many State Capitols as possible to declare Yeshua as Lord and this is what we will do this Shabbat! Also we will have Charlynne Boddie, a dynamic woman of God with a passion for bringing the truth of the Scripture and share the Word with us on Isaiah 22:22 The Key of David! It is going to be a prophetically fun and exciting service! This will be a great time to invite friends and introduce them to an on-fire One New Man encounter with God!
Attention Men! We will be re-starting our monthly Men’s meeting on Sunday March 6th at 10am at Bill Preussner’s home! His address is 7931 S. Lamar St. Littleton 80128. This is a great time of fellowship, encouragement and praying for one another. Bring a breakfast type dish to share and all men are welcome!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
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