Shabbat Feb 15, 2025
We serve an awesome and wonderful God! As Millie and I wind down our vacation and prepare to return home, He always reminds me that He has all things under His control and that His plans for us are all good! We have had a wonderful time of just “hanging” with our family and dear friends for over 37 years, enjoying great fellowship, lots of laughs, and way too much great food!
This Shabbat, February 15thwill be an important day and I want to encourage you to come on out and be with the Mishpacha of Or Chaim Congregation. The Celebration of Life for our dear Denette Thorn will be at 10am at Westwood Community Church, 7700 West Woodward Dr. Then, we will have our Shabbat service at 12:30pm at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden at 11am! We will be continuing our theme with a message on INTIMACY WITH YESHUA. We will look at the unfortunate phenomena of how people are actually serving a DIFFERENT YESHUA then what we see in the Scriptures! Because of the Celebration of Life and our service following, WE WILL NOT HAVE AN ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE! Of course, if you just want to hang out and have fellowship, please do! And bring some snacks to share!
We look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat!
Shalom and Blessings,
Stewart and Millie