Or Chaim Congregation

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New Beginnings - New Creativity

First of all...Millie and I want to thank you so much for coming out for the inaugural launch of Or Chaim!  What a blessing it was to have you come support us and cheer us on.  It was so awesome to experience the presence of God with all of you.  Know that you have truly touched our hearts.  We hope your hearts we filled as well!

Oneg Organization, Set up, and Clean up.  This can be a team effort or a very vigorous person . Every Shabbat after service we will have Oneg unless we announce otherwise.  Oneg will be potluck every week.  Millie and I desire to build a family community and this is one of the ways we do it in Jewish tradition.  So come on and let's fellowship with one another.

Another meaningful congregational family event is our Havdalah once a month.  Havdalah is the closing of the Shabbat and we gather at a home hosted by one of our mishpocha (family).  We again potluck, fellowship and have a time of closing the Shabbat, worship and ministering to one another.  The host/hostess each month will pick and provide a main dish and we all bring the sides and desserts.  One of our favorites has been a soup bar "yum".  This month on Saturday, January 23 at 4:30 pm we will be going out to Mary and Tom Westendorf's "The Farm".  Please rsvp with Mary at mweste7777@msn.com and she can let you know what to bring and how to get there.  Shhhhh we will be blessing Tom Westendorf with prayer and affirmations for his birthday.  They have asked that no gifts be given but rather a blessing, prayer, scripture, etc.

This coming Shabbat I will be sharing a message on The Favor of God.  I want to live every day in His Favor...don't you?  The Parasha will be B'Shallach out of Exodus 13:17 through 17:16. Shari will be sharing the Torah portion again this week.  If you are interested in being a part of the Parasha sharing or Hebrew Reading please talk with Shari. This is another area we can use help.

If you desire to participate in the Worship Arts with you talents, you can speak with Lynne McDowell wyld4hymn@gmail.com and she will help you get started. 

Well...that's it for this week!  As you can see we can use someone who knows how to create fancy news updates and also a website manager.  We are pretty simple with this sort of thing!

Have a blessed week!  Feel free to email this to folks who you think might be interested.

Pastors Stew and Millie Lieberman