Shabbat Jan 4 2025

Shabbat Shalom!

Welcome to 2025 in our journey with our loving and faithful God! We had a wonderful Hanukkah season, culminating this past Wednesday as we all gathered at the Crider’s home to kindle the 8th and last candle of the feast. It was a very special evening! 

This morning our precious sister and dear friend, Denette Thorn, passed into glory. Our hearts are heavy with sadness. She was such an inspiration and blessing to so many of us. She walked through this battle with such grace, faith, dignity and joy. We will certainly miss our dear friend, please keep Bill and their daughters and family in your prayer! 

Please join us this Shabbat January 4th as we gather to worship our Yeshua! We meet at 11am at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401. The Lord has given me an important message as we enter into the new year. WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP. Let us begin this new year, coming together as Mishpacha (family), and renew our commitment to honor the Shabbat! Especially as we see the darkness and fallenness in the world, we need to be faithful in coming together to worship God and encourage one another!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Tonight Hanukkah Celebration

Chag Hanukkah Sameach!
All are welcome to our Hanukkah celebration this Friday evening, December 27th at 6 pm! Invite your friends and family for a wonderful evening of fun, music, fellowship and of course food! Remember, bring your favorite Hanukkah treats such as Latkes, doughnuts, noodle kugel, brisket , cookies or anything fried or sweet! John Reed Austin will bless us with beautiful and joyous music and of course we will kindle the Hanukkah candles! You can bring your own Hanukkiah, as long as it is battery operated (because of insurance purposes). Also, remem
ber we will not have our regular Shabbat service on Saturday the 28th!

To give use the DONATE/GIVE BUTTON and choose the appropriate category on the drop down menu! We will take up an offering at the celebration. Remember this is your last opportunity to give at the service in 2024! Many blessings for your generosity towards the work of the Kingdom!

Shabbat Dec 21, 2024

Shalom Mishpacha!

As we fast come to a close of the year 2024, I’m sure all of us can look back and agree that it was quite an eventful year! On a national, global and personal level, this past year has effected all of us and caused us to ramp up our prayer life and our absolute trust in our loving Abba and His wisdom! Some of us have experienced very serious health challenges, others have dealt with family and financial crisis, but I think all of us can agree that our God has fought for us and that we have either received breakthrough, or know it is on the way. As a Congregation, we have seen new folks come into our Mishpacha, and we have seen some leave. Personally, Millie and I have had some health issues that have taken a bit out of us, but we are trusting Him for healing in those areas. Or Chaim Congregation has been at the forefront of bringing a greater understanding and revelation of the “One New Man”, not just locally but regionally, participating in conferences and outreaches as well as hosting concerts with Messianic recording artists. Also, we have continued to bless, and even increase our giving to ministries in Israel, Africa and even into Pakistan! As a leadership, we just want to say TODAH RABAH!, to all of you in your loving and giving to His Kingdom!

Come on out this Shabbat December 21st and celebrate and worship Yeshua with us as we gather at The dwelling Place at 11am! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. We will be continuing our theme of THE AWE OF GOD and dig deeper in how to Tremble At His Word as we look at the issue of suffering, a very hard one for many Believers who don’t understand the WHY of suffering, maybe because of wrong or incomplete teaching. Also, we will explore how God calls us to FINISH what He has called us to do! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Some upcoming events to be aware of: On Friday eveningDecember 27th we will gather at The Dwelling Place for our CELEBRATION OF LIGHTS HANUKKAH CELEBRATION, with John Reed Austin! We will start at 6pm, and all are invited! Bring some latkes or treats! On the evening of Wednesday January 1st, we will gather at the Crider’s home to light the Hanukkah candles! More information on this event will be coming soon!

As we come to the end of 2024, would you prayerfully consider giving over and above your normal giving? Honestly, it has been a challenge this year to continue to provide finances and resources to ministries oversees that have been struggling in the midst of war and persecution in their lands. However, at Or Chaim we have felt it our calling and privilege since we began in 2016, to bless the nations, beginning with Israel! This past year, we have been able to bless Israelis with necessary equipment to fight a war and help their needy families whose fathers are away, orphans in Kenya and Pakistan with food, refrigerators and clothing, and school supplies, and many others. We want to be able to do more! All of your giving is tax deductible, and even more importantly, it will go directly where the need is! Again, thank you in your generosity! Below, are ways that you can give to Or Chaim Congregation.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat December 14, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

As you recall, we have been sharing for quite a while that we are in a time of “suddenlies” and “great shakings”.Yes, we have been watching for over 14 months the ongoing war in Gaza and the near elimination of Hamas, and in the north, we have witnessed the de-capitation of Hezbollah and it’s sponsors in Iran. Of course it has cost Israel dearly in casualties, and many innocents in both Jewish and Arab communities have suffered. We have seen the ugly exposure of vicious anti semitism both here and around the world. Our own nation has experienced an incredibly divisive election, with the results being a stunning and decisive (hopefully) blow to “cancel culture”, weaponization of our justice system, and a "legacy media" that has become so incredibly one-sided. Now, these are my opinions and you may disagree, but all I know is that as we have prayed, interceded and fasted, and we have seen God move! So, what about 2025? I’m not a seer or a gifted prophet, but I am an observer of movements and trends and I do believe that as we hear from heaven and obey what our King says, we will continue to see great things and yes, more shakings as we move into a new year. A Holy Bride, consecrated to her Lord, is what we are pursuing!

We hope we will see you this Shabbat as we gather at the Dwelling Place! Our address is 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401, and we begin at 11am. Have you ever been led by the Lord to do something that didn’t make sense? Most of us can say “yes” to that, and then when we obeyed we were able to understand the counsel of God! Think about some of those experiences and be prepared to share some of them during our service. I will be continuing the theme of Tremble At His Word, with a message entitled It makes No Sense And It Doesn’t Benefit Me! Of course, we will be having a potluck Oneg following the service so BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP! Remember, Hanukkah begins on the evening of December 25th, and we will be having a special CELEBRATION OF LIGHTS on Friday evening, December 27th at 6;30pm at The Dwelling place! Our special guest will be John Reed Austin, a phenomenal saxophonist, as we celebrate the Festival of Hanukkah, light the candles and enjoy sweet fellowship with one another! Invite your friends, maybe those who have never celebrated this festival, and bring a dessert or latkes or anything else we would enjoy! WE WILL NOT HAVE OUR REGULAR SHABBAT SERVICE ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28TH!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Dec 7, 2024 and Craig Hill Sun Dec 8

All invited!

Shabbat Shalom!

It’s hard to believe we are in December already. It seems that it was only yesterday we were celebrating the Fall Feasts and now we are almost at the end of the year! And, what a year it has been! I believe that we have truly undergone a “shift”, as we have seen God’s hand at work in Israel, here in America and, truly all around the globe! I truly believe it has been because of an increase in prayer and intercession on behalf of God’s people. However, as with any move of God, we as the Bride of Messiah, need to keep on pressing in to Him, and desire to walk in the holiness that He has called us to live in. It is a lifestyle of surrender to Adonai! In Isaiah 66:2 it says, “For My hand has made all these things, so all these things came to be,” declares Adonai. “But on this one will I look (bless), one humble and of a contrite spirit, who trembles at My word”. Our God is continuing to show His faithful remnant His plans and purposes, and He desires us to co-labor with Him to fulfill them!

Come on out this Shabbat December 7th as we celebrate Yeshua and honor His word! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave, Golden 80401at 11am. We are continuing in our theme The Awe Of God with a message on Trembling At His Word, and how it is so important to not just OBEY but to OBEY IMMEDIATELY! I know I’ve said it before, “the Lord is dealing with me in this area”, so, why haven’t I been doing what He said? In the “shift” that is happening, it is crucial that we respond immediately to what the Lord is saying, without excuses! We will discus practical ways to walk in the obedience that God requires. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, a reminder that Jeremy Jacob’s Turn Ministries is hosting a NIGHT OF STORIES event  on Saturday evening the 7th at Resurrection Anglican Church, in Greenwood Village at 6:30pm! The event is free but you must register beforehand. 

Shabbat Dec 7, 2024 and Craig Hill Sun Dec 8

All invited!

Shabbat Shalom!

It’s hard to believe we are in December already. It seems that it was only yesterday we were celebrating the Fall Feasts and now we are almost at the end of the year! And, what a year it has been! I believe that we have truly undergone a “shift”, as we have seen God’s hand at work in Israel, here in America and, truly all around the globe! I truly believe it has been because of an increase in prayer and intercession on behalf of God’s people. However, as with any move of God, we as the Bride of Messiah, need to keep on pressing in to Him, and desire to walk in the holiness that He has called us to live in. It is a lifestyle of surrender to Adonai! In Isaiah 66:2 it says, “For My hand has made all these things, so all these things came to be,” declares Adonai. “But on this one will I look (bless), one humble and of a contrite spirit, who trembles at My word”. Our God is continuing to show His faithful remnant His plans and purposes, and He desires us to co-labor with Him to fulfill them!

Come on out this Shabbat December 7th as we celebrate Yeshua and honor His word! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave, Golden 80401at 11am. We are continuing in our theme The Awe Of God with a message on Trembling At His Word, and how it is so important to not just OBEY but to OBEY IMMEDIATELY! I know I’ve said it before, “the Lord is dealing with me in this area”, so, why haven’t I been doing what He said? In the “shift” that is happening, it is crucial that we respond immediately to what the Lord is saying, without excuses! We will discus practical ways to walk in the obedience that God requires. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, a reminder that Jeremy Jacob’s Turn Ministries is hosting a NIGHT OF STORIES event  on Saturday evening the 7th at Resurrection Anglican Church, in Greenwood Village at 6:30pm! The event is free but you must register beforehand. 

Shabbat Dec 7, 2024 and Craig Hill Sun Dec 8

All invited!

Shabbat Shalom!

It’s hard to believe we are in December already. It seems that it was only yesterday we were celebrating the Fall Feasts and now we are almost at the end of the year! And, what a year it has been! I believe that we have truly undergone a “shift”, as we have seen God’s hand at work in Israel, here in America and, truly all around the globe! I truly believe it has been because of an increase in prayer and intercession on behalf of God’s people. However, as with any move of God, we as the Bride of Messiah, need to keep on pressing in to Him, and desire to walk in the holiness that He has called us to live in. It is a lifestyle of surrender to Adonai! In Isaiah 66:2 it says, “For My hand has made all these things, so all these things came to be,” declares Adonai. “But on this one will I look (bless), one humble and of a contrite spirit, who trembles at My word”. Our God is continuing to show His faithful remnant His plans and purposes, and He desires us to co-labor with Him to fulfill them!

Come on out this Shabbat December 7th as we celebrate Yeshua and honor His word! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave, Golden 80401at 11am. We are continuing in our theme The Awe Of God with a message on Trembling At His Word, and how it is so important to not just OBEY but to OBEY IMMEDIATELY! I know I’ve said it before, “the Lord is dealing with me in this area”, so, why haven’t I been doing what He said? In the “shift” that is happening, it is crucial that we respond immediately to what the Lord is saying, without excuses! We will discus practical ways to walk in the obedience that God requires. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, a reminder that Jeremy Jacob’s Turn Ministries is hosting a NIGHT OF STORIES event  on Saturday evening the 7th at Resurrection Anglican Church, in Greenwood Village at 6:30pm! The event is free but you must register beforehand. 

Shabbat Nov 30, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

We hope you all had a very wonderful Thanksgiving! Just a short reminder that WE WILL BE HAVING OUR REGULAR SHABBAT SERVICE TOMORROW, NOVEMBER 30TH AT THE DWELLING PLACE AT 11AM! And, yes, we will be having Oneg following the service so bring those leftovers from your Thanksgiving table and let’s enjoy fellowship with one another over a meal! Our address is: 16800 W.9th Ave. Golden, 80401.

Shabbat Nov 23, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

Many years ago during our Discipleship Training School, one of our instructors said “God is always speaking to us, the problem is are we listening?” That question has stayed with me all these years. It put me on a journey that I am still on today because I have discovered that on this journey of life, having a genuine and authentic relationship with the God of creation requires listening and obeying (“Shema”)! Yeshua declares in John 14:21 that “…He who loves Me will be loved by My Father AND I WILL LOVE HIM AND REVEAL MYSELF TO HIM.” As we pursue this journey into holiness, we discover that it is not a “trivial pursuit” (a game I loved to play because I love trivia!), but one where the more we know our God, and the more I desire Him, the more I will tremble at His awesome Presence! In the crazy world we are living in today, I find that the only anchor that will keep me sane is my relationship with The One who is always faithful and gracious and will never disappoint me! His Word and his Presence is what we need today!

Come on out and celebrate with the Mishpacha this Shabbat, November 23rd! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden 80401 at 11am. I will be continuing our theme on the Awe of God with a very important message entitled Do We Tremble At God’s Word? As I look at my bookcase in my office, I realize that I probably have every version that has ever been printed in the last 50 years! But, if it just stays in my bookcase collecting dust, what good is the word of God to me? Or, if I just use my bibles to prepare a message to bring to someone else, Is the Word transforming me? The scriptures talk about “trembling” at His word, and that is what we want to explore this week! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP! Some have asked if we are planning on having our regular Shabbat service next Saturday, November 30th, because it is Thanksgiving weekend. At this point, depending on the weather we are planning on meeting on the 30th!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Shalom Nov 15, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

It will be so good to get together with the Mishpacha this week! Last week due to all of the snow, we had to cancel our service. I guess you can say that we have officially entered into a time of year when weather can change so quickly you need to be prepared for anything! With the conclusion of the election season, which seemed to last forever, I sense that we are living in an historic era, especially as the body of Messiah. We have seen a prayer movement kick into high gear, more focused and energized than ever before, as the old worldly systems and mindsets behind them have been shown to be weak and useless. Power structures and ideologies that have been controlling our media, government, judicial system and even our families and Faith communities have been shaken to the core! As we have been crying out according to 2Chronicles 7:14 for many months, “WHEN MY PEOPLE, OVER WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED, HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE AND TURN FROM THEIR EVIL WAYS, THEN I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN AND HEAL THEIR LAND”, we have seen God work miracles in Israel, here in the U.S. and in the nations. Let us not give up and in fact, spend more time on our knees crying out to Him!

This Shabbat November 16thwe will be meeting at The Dwelling Place at 11am! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave. Golden, 80401. I will be sharing an important message in our Awe of God series entitled Desire and Empowerment, focused on how we as Believers in a fallen world can live in GRACE (not a “cheap grace”!), and tap into a place of intimacy that God wants us to experience! For too long, we have settled for far less than God wants and have not seen things in our personal lives and circumstances change. Well, it is a new day and I believe we can live in the purity and power that God has promised! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, bring a friend to Shabbat and let them experience a Messianic Jewish experience!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Nov 2, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

Most of the leaves have fallen off the aspens here in Monument, which gives me an unobstructed view of beautiful Pikes Peak! In just a few days the elections will be taking place in America, and I will stop getting text messages and phone calls from politicians I don’t know! Millie and I want to encourage you to get out and vote if you haven’t already. We know of course that whatever happens on Tuesday, the God of Abraham is our faithful Commander in Chief, whose judgements are always pure and righteous! Continue to pray for this nation and Israel as I believe we are at a crucial point in history and God is calling us to be those "watchmen on the walls”, interceding for the things that are on His heart, and seeing them released on earth.

Come on out and join us this Shabbat November 2nd as we gather at The Dwelling Place at 11am and we celebrate Yeshua! I will be sharing an important message on being INTENTIONAL in our pursuit of HOLINESS! What does it look like and how will it affect our actions and thought life? It is of paramount importance that Yeshua’s Bride in the end times walks in a fear and awe of The Holy One, so that a dark and corrupt world will see and respond to the Light we carry! In our daily lives, can people see something different in us? Or, are people who are in distress and crisis seeking you out for help and comfort? Do we “brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus” (2Cor.3:18, The Passion translation) to others? This is the journey that He has called all of us to be on! As always, we will have a wonderful time of prayer during our service and we will honor the Word of God during our Torah service! ALSO, WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING SERICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Oct 26th, 2024 (5785) DO YOU WANT TO SEE GOD?

Shabbat Shalom!

Well, the Fall Feasts are over but the taste of the sweetness of these special times still remains! The Lord certainly filled our gatherings with His Presence and, even in the busyness of the season, we sensed His closeness and re-committed ourselves to His purposes in the upcoming season. Thank you to all who participated and helped in making it a very wonderful and meaningful time! Even so, I am glad that we will be gathering back at The Dwelling Place tomorrow to celebrate the Shabbat! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401 and we will be meeting at 11am! I will be sharing a message in our series on the Awe of God about BEING INTENTIONAL IN OUR PURSUIT OF HOLINESS!  As we are coming into this new year 5785, we are faced with daily decisions and choices about how we are to live our lives, and what changes we are going to make. The Lord has had me meditating on the short but powerful verse in the “Torah from the Mount”, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt.5:8). It all starts in that place that is the seat of all my emotions, intentions, thoughts and behaviors, the heart! Come on out tomorrow and celebrate Shabbat with the Mishpacha! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!

With the elections coming up in just over a week, Millie and I want to encourage all of you to exercise your responsibility as citizens to vote! I will not tell you WHO to vote for, but I will encourage you HOW to vote. Much is at stake this year, and we can find fault in every candidate but vote with godly values at the forefront. For me, there are some “Non-Negotiables”: voting for the person who is more pro-life; voting for the one who believes in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman; voting for the candidate who is the most supportive of Israel. These are some of the issues that I make my decisions on who to vote for, knowing full well that every candidate is flawed and has character issues that may bother me. I urge you to pray and research the issues and find out where the candidates stand closest to the things that God is concerned with! PLEASE, EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE! Do you realize that over 32 million Believers who attend services on a weekly basis don’t vote? Let’s not be one of these!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and MIllie

Sukkoth 2024

Chag Succoth Sameach!

We have entered into the final Appointed Times on the Kingdom calendar, and one of the “Big 3”, Sukkoth, which began last night! Little and big Sukkoth (booths or huts) are being constructed everywhere where our Jewish people reside! It is a festival of thanksgiving and remembrance. Thanksgiving for the faithfulness of our God in the final harvest, and remembrance as He has called us to recall our wanderings in the wilderness for 40 years and living in Sukkoth. We will be joining with other Congregations this week to celebrate and remember! We will be meeting at Castlewood Canyon Church; 389 N.Castlewood Canyon Rd, Franktown, 80116 starting on Friday evening at 6:45pm. Please see the attached flyer for information and times for all of the meetings. Because of the cooler weather predicted, all of the services will be inside! This will be a wonderful time so I want to encourage all of you to come on out and enjoy! Please bring “finger food” snacks for our time of fellowship following the service.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Chag Sameach!

Stewart and Millie