Shabbat 3/8/25 and upcoming events

Shabbat Shalom!

Have you noticed that every time you make a commitment to spend more time in God’s presence, or decide to give a financial gift, or restore a broken relationship you run into opposition or discouragement? Well, at those times we need to realize we are not alone and that we can find much in the Scripture to help us in those times! The Patriarchs, the Prophets, King David, the Apostles and Yeshua all went through those times and give us examples of how to overcome. I love what Rav Shaul says in Romans 8:37, “NO, IN ALL THESE THINGS WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM WHO LOVED US.” I know as I have talked with many of you over the last few weeks that there has been much sickness, financial setbacks and family issues and I want to encourage you to make it a point to carve out some time during the day, to just sit with The Lord and wait patiently in His presence. Let Him pour His rest and grace and Shalom into you, and you will be refreshed and what seemed impossible a few days earlier, you will experience incredible breakthrough!

Come out to Or Chaim Congregation this Shabbat, March 8th, and join with us as we worship our wonderful King and awesome provider! Our service begins at 11am and our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. I will be continuing on the theme of Intimacy With God, with a very timely message entitled (a blast from my “60’s past!) “Listen, do you want to know a secret?”, as we explore how God desires friendship with us and He loves to reveal secrets to those who stay faithful to Him! Stay for fellowship after the service as we have our potluck Oneg and have great conversations around the table! Bring a dish to share!

In just a few weeks we will be entering into the Passover season! We have been invited to join with The Dwelling Place for their Seder and I will be helping lead this. Below is the information for this very special Feast! Also, I will be leading a Passover Seder on Sunday April 13th at Castlewood Canyon Church in Franktown! Please sign up for these Seders as space is limited in both places. We will keep you updated on any other Seders that will be taking as we hear about them.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Mar 1, 2025

Shabbat Shalom!

What an exciting time to be in the Kingdom of God! In just a little while we will be celebrating the Feast of Purim where we see the hand of God, intervening on behalf of His covenant people to bring incredible victory. What an miraculous story and yet I know that folks today say “Why doesn’t He move like that today?” My answer is “he still does!”, If we see things through His eternal perspective and with eyes of faith and hope! We see that even in Israel, which has been involved in a bloody, existential conflict for about a year and a half, where most of the world has opposed her, God’s hand of protection and his favor has been upon her! It is not just her military excellence, but THE HAND OF GOD! We live in a dangerous world and most of us have families in some degree of dysfunction, or we have been face to face with an impossibility or we just need a breakthrough in some area of our life, so let me encourage you and say THE BREAKTHROUGH WILL COME! Whatever your faith level is today, hold on to that and trust the ONE who is faithful and true!

Come on out to Or Chaim This Shabbat, March 1st, and join the Mishpacha as we celebrate the Lord! We meet at 11am at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. I will be sharing an important message on THE SECRET OF THE LORD, a Biblical concept of FRIENDSHIP that is often misunderstood by so many believers. But, throughout Scripture we see that God reveals Kingdom secrets to those whom He calls His friends! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Just as a heads up, PASSOVER 2025 begins on Saturday eveningApril 12th. Again, we will be meeting in homes for this wonderful and special evening, so stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks! Also, mark your calendars for June 22 for Joshua Aaron Worship night at the Rock!

As we come together this Shabbat, prepare your hearts to take the Lord’s Supper during the service!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat 2/22/2025

Shabbat Shalom!

As a guy who grew up in sunny and warm Southern California, the idea of snow and cold weather was something I (weirdly!) looked forward to. Don’t get me wrong, I truly love Colorado and the seasons, but the cold of February hurts a bit more than it used to! However, as I peer out my office window, the beauty of this place still continues to astound me. I have checked the weather and it is supposed to be warmer and sunny for this Shabbat! This year, Millie and I have committed to reading through the Bible, using one of our favorite audio Bible apps, and this week we are in Leviticus. It is such a beautiful picture of the holiness of God, laying out to the Israelites how to approach Him in worship and also in their daily lives. Many would say that it is a hard book to really understand, and they would be right, however, as we ask Ruach HaKodesh to give us wisdom, He gives us understanding of how majestic and awesome He is, and how He invites us to partake in His covenantal family! I want to encourage all of you to be faithful in reading the Scriptures on a daily basis, and ask Him to give you revelation as you read!

Come on out this Shabbat, February 22nd as we celebrate and worship our King and Lord! We meet at 11am at The Dwelling Place, and our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. As we continue in our theme of THE AWE OF GOD, I will be bringing a message on one of the most sobering passages of Scripture that we can read. We will explore why Yeshua said “Get away from Me”, and the implications for us today. It may be a hard message, but it is directly from the heart of a deeply loving and caring Father! I promise you, it will be an encouraging word! AFTER THE SERVICE, JOIN US FOR A POTLUCK ONEG, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP!

Just a word of encouragement, continue to pray for the Mishpacha as many are struggling with various ailments. Our dear Mary has been faithful in sending out prayer needs as she receives them, and it seems that many are battling during this winter season. If you know someone who needs prayer or encouragement, give them a call and speak life over them! Also, we want to ask you to be faithful in your giving, as it seems at this time of the year many ministries are struggling, including Or Chaim, and we want to continue to give and bless as the Lord leads us!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Feb 15, 2025

We serve an awesome and wonderful God! As Millie and I wind down our vacation and prepare to return home, He always reminds me that He has all things under His control and that His plans for us are all good! We have had a wonderful time of just “hanging” with our family and dear friends for over 37 years, enjoying great fellowship, lots of laughs, and way too much great food!

This Shabbat, February 15thwill be an important day and I want to encourage you to come on out and be with the Mishpacha of Or Chaim Congregation. The Celebration of Life for our dear Denette Thorn will be at 10am at Westwood Community Church, 7700 West Woodward Dr.  Then, we will have our Shabbat service at 12:30pm at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden at 11am! We will be continuing our theme with a message on INTIMACY WITH YESHUA. We will look at the unfortunate phenomena of how people are actually serving a DIFFERENT YESHUA then what we see in the Scriptures! Because of the Celebration of Life and our service following, WE WILL NOT HAVE AN ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE! Of course, if you just want to hang out and have fellowship, please do! And bring some snacks to share!

We look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat!
Shalom and Blessings,
Stewart and Millie

Shabbat February 8, 2025 Special Guest Jeremy Jacobs

Shalom Mishpacha!
Hope you all are well! Millie and I want you to know that we are praying for you! Although we miss you all, to be honest, we are enjoying some warm weather and  being with family and friends!

Come and join Or Chaim Congregation tomorrow, February 8th, to celebrate Shabbat! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place and our address is 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401. We begin at 11am and we will be blessed to welcome Jeremy Jacobs. He has a passion to connect the Church with the Jewish community. Also, he is exposing the evil of anti-semitism, and how it has crept into the Church. Over the last several years, Jeremy has built tremendous bridges with the Jewish community and is deeply committed to the One New Man! We will have a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish to share and stay for the fellowship!

As a reminder, next Shabbat February 15th will be the Celebration of Life service for Denette Thorn in Lakewood at 10am. So, we will have our Shabbat service at 12:30pm so that that those who would like to attend her celebration can go. Millie and I will be returning on Friday, so we look forward to seeing all of you next Shabbat!

Shalom and Blessings,
Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Feb 1, 2025

Shabbat Shalom!
I checked the weather and no snow is expected for our Shabbat service tomorrow! Of course, we do live in Colorado so anything can happen. As we shared with you last week, our special guest for tomorrow’s service will be Carole Urbas of Jeremiah Calls Ministry, a dynamic and passionate teacher of the Word. You will be blessed!

Our address is 16809 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401. Our service begins at 11am, so come on out and worship with the Mishpacha! There will be a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish to share and stay for the fellowship!
Shalom and Blessings,

You can give on our website

Shabbat Shalom! Jan 25, 2025

It is currently snowing in Golden, and is supposed to end this morning. WE WILL BE HAVING OUR SHABBAT SERVICE THIS MORNING, JANUARY 25th! We totally understand if you cannot make it, PLEASE JOIN US ON OUR LIVE FEED!  Drive safely!
Stewart and Millie
Shalom and Blessings,

Shabbat Shalom!

What a momentous week this has been! A Presidential inauguration, hostages that have been held for 15 months being joyously reunited with their families, and a renewed sense of hope in our land! I was absolutely captivated by a young pastor from Detroit who gave one of the most passionate “benedictions” I have ever heard at a national inauguration! Lorenzo Sewell, a former drug addict and gang leader from Detroit, spoke of a miracle-working God who can not only transform a person, but can heal an entire nation. I found myself jumping out of my chair and shouting ‘AMEN’ with tears in my eyes! Yes, our God is “able to do far beyond all that we ask or imagine, by means of HIS POWER THAT WORKS IN US, (Eph.3:20), so let's truly believe that He is able to do incredible things IN OUR LIVES!

Last week we had to cancel our Shabbat service due to the snow and extreme cold, so we will plan on having our 9th Anniversary celebration this week! It is Colorado and it is winter so we never know what the weather will be from one day to the next. We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401, at 11am. Come on out and celebrate with us, the goodness of Adonai, as we look back on His faithfulness over the years, but also look ahead to all He still has in store for us! If you have been part of Or Chaim over the years, we would love to se you and celebrate with you! Our dear friend Lynne McDowell will be leading worship and we will have a very beautiful video to share about how God has blessed us through the years! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE (BIBLICALLY APPROPRIATE!) AND STAY FOR SOME WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP! We will also be sharing about some upcoming special guests that will be sharing with us in the upcoming weeks.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

So, we look forward to seeing you this week, and if you can’t join us in person, you can watch our live feed on our YouTube channel!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


Shabbat Shalom,
It’s snowing and already very cold. Unfortunately, we will have to cancel our Shabbat service tomorrow, January 18th. Looking at the forecast, it will last through the weekend and roads will be very icy. We will have our Or Chaim 9th Anniversary celebration next Shabbat, January 25th!

Even though our service is cancelled, God never  cancels Shabbat! Enjoy it in the comfort of your own home with your family!

Shalom and Blessings,

Shabbat Celebrating Or Chaim’s 9th Anniversary!

Shalom Mishpacha!

Unbelievably, we are half way through this month already! We just want to inform everyone that this coming Shabbat, January 18th, will be a special celebration at Or Chaim Congregation! It has been 9 years since we had our first meeting as a congregation, yes, January 16th 2016,  was our very first gathering on “the mountain” (Gateway on Mt. Zion Church). Wow, what a journey it has been! Many of you were with us on that wonderful day, some have moved away and sadly (for us anyway), some have received their ultimate reward in glory. Millie and I are so thankful to The Lord, for His faithfulness and love toward our Congregation over the years! It has not been easy at times, and believe it or not, there were times that I questioned my calling, and even my sanity! Ha! However, even as the name “Or Chaim” (Light of Life) implies, we have been faithful in declaring that HE is THE LIGHT OF LIFE in us, through us and into Colorado and the nations from Our Congregation in Golden, Colorado! We will have a time where Millie and I “tell the story” of our coming to be as a Congregation, share the vision, “A Place For His Presence”, and look forward to what God has for us in 2025 and beyond! We will also show a video recapping some of the wonderful memories we have at Or Chaim!

We really want to encourage you to come on out this Shabbat and worship and exalt Yeshua with us!! We meet at 11am at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. If you have ever been a part of our Congregation and you are able, come on out and celebrate with us! I know the weather forecast is for cold temperatures this weekend, but we will certainly be warm inside! Our dear friend Lynne McDowell will be leading worship with us. She of course was with us for several years and was with us as we started Or Chaim! We will have a fellowship time after the service, so bring a dish to share and come out and enjoy with us! 

So, tell your friends and invite them to our Shabbat service this week! We so look forward to seeing you and celebrating and worshipping together!

Shalom and Blessings,

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Jan 11, 2025

Shabbat Shalom!

This year has certainly started off with incredibly tragic and troubling events. Terrorist attacks and wildfires have stunned so many and revealed the utter futility in trusting in man-made solutions and human wisdom to bring stability and Shalom in the face of terrible events. Personally, as Millie and I watch the complete devastation in the places we grew up in, places we used to hang out and had so many memories of, we are stunned and heartbroken. Please pray for the folks who live in Southern California who have lost everything, and also pray that out of the ashes there will rise a great revival, and that Kingdom transformation will replace secular and failed human solutions to real needs! God is shaking everything that people have trusted in, but we know that HE IS OUR ROCK AND HE CANNOT BE SHAKEN!

Join us this Shabbat January 11th as we gather at The Dwelling Place to worship THE GOD OF ALL CREATION! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401 and we meet at 11am. We will be continuing our teaching on THE AWE OF GOD with a very timely message on exploring WHERE INTIMACY BEGINS. I am so thankful that the answer to all of life’s questions are not found in religion or my own intellect and logic! I would truly be lost, as most of us would be! Instead, we are invited into a covenant relationship with the God who created everything, and He gives us a way to truly KNOW HIM, and to walk in HIS WAYS! I will be discussing some of these ways and we will see what Scripture has to say. We will have a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish to share and stay for fellowship!

As we shared last week, our dear sister Denette Thorn passed into glory and into her eternal reward. Please keep Bill and the rest of the family in your prayer. There will be a ‘Celebration of Life’ for Denette in mid-May that we will give more details about later. Also, as we told you last week, we are looking at the possibility of an Israel Outreach later this year. Ask the lord if you are to be a part of this opportunity! We will continue to update you on this.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Jan 4 2025

Shabbat Shalom!

Welcome to 2025 in our journey with our loving and faithful God! We had a wonderful Hanukkah season, culminating this past Wednesday as we all gathered at the Crider’s home to kindle the 8th and last candle of the feast. It was a very special evening! 

This morning our precious sister and dear friend, Denette Thorn, passed into glory. Our hearts are heavy with sadness. She was such an inspiration and blessing to so many of us. She walked through this battle with such grace, faith, dignity and joy. We will certainly miss our dear friend, please keep Bill and their daughters and family in your prayer! 

Please join us this Shabbat January 4th as we gather to worship our Yeshua! We meet at 11am at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401. The Lord has given me an important message as we enter into the new year. WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP. Let us begin this new year, coming together as Mishpacha (family), and renew our commitment to honor the Shabbat! Especially as we see the darkness and fallenness in the world, we need to be faithful in coming together to worship God and encourage one another!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Tonight Hanukkah Celebration

Chag Hanukkah Sameach!
All are welcome to our Hanukkah celebration this Friday evening, December 27th at 6 pm! Invite your friends and family for a wonderful evening of fun, music, fellowship and of course food! Remember, bring your favorite Hanukkah treats such as Latkes, doughnuts, noodle kugel, brisket , cookies or anything fried or sweet! John Reed Austin will bless us with beautiful and joyous music and of course we will kindle the Hanukkah candles! You can bring your own Hanukkiah, as long as it is battery operated (because of insurance purposes). Also, remem
ber we will not have our regular Shabbat service on Saturday the 28th!

To give use the DONATE/GIVE BUTTON and choose the appropriate category on the drop down menu! We will take up an offering at the celebration. Remember this is your last opportunity to give at the service in 2024! Many blessings for your generosity towards the work of the Kingdom!

Shabbat Dec 21, 2024

Shalom Mishpacha!

As we fast come to a close of the year 2024, I’m sure all of us can look back and agree that it was quite an eventful year! On a national, global and personal level, this past year has effected all of us and caused us to ramp up our prayer life and our absolute trust in our loving Abba and His wisdom! Some of us have experienced very serious health challenges, others have dealt with family and financial crisis, but I think all of us can agree that our God has fought for us and that we have either received breakthrough, or know it is on the way. As a Congregation, we have seen new folks come into our Mishpacha, and we have seen some leave. Personally, Millie and I have had some health issues that have taken a bit out of us, but we are trusting Him for healing in those areas. Or Chaim Congregation has been at the forefront of bringing a greater understanding and revelation of the “One New Man”, not just locally but regionally, participating in conferences and outreaches as well as hosting concerts with Messianic recording artists. Also, we have continued to bless, and even increase our giving to ministries in Israel, Africa and even into Pakistan! As a leadership, we just want to say TODAH RABAH!, to all of you in your loving and giving to His Kingdom!

Come on out this Shabbat December 21st and celebrate and worship Yeshua with us as we gather at The dwelling Place at 11am! Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. We will be continuing our theme of THE AWE OF GOD and dig deeper in how to Tremble At His Word as we look at the issue of suffering, a very hard one for many Believers who don’t understand the WHY of suffering, maybe because of wrong or incomplete teaching. Also, we will explore how God calls us to FINISH what He has called us to do! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Some upcoming events to be aware of: On Friday eveningDecember 27th we will gather at The Dwelling Place for our CELEBRATION OF LIGHTS HANUKKAH CELEBRATION, with John Reed Austin! We will start at 6pm, and all are invited! Bring some latkes or treats! On the evening of Wednesday January 1st, we will gather at the Crider’s home to light the Hanukkah candles! More information on this event will be coming soon!

As we come to the end of 2024, would you prayerfully consider giving over and above your normal giving? Honestly, it has been a challenge this year to continue to provide finances and resources to ministries oversees that have been struggling in the midst of war and persecution in their lands. However, at Or Chaim we have felt it our calling and privilege since we began in 2016, to bless the nations, beginning with Israel! This past year, we have been able to bless Israelis with necessary equipment to fight a war and help their needy families whose fathers are away, orphans in Kenya and Pakistan with food, refrigerators and clothing, and school supplies, and many others. We want to be able to do more! All of your giving is tax deductible, and even more importantly, it will go directly where the need is! Again, thank you in your generosity! Below, are ways that you can give to Or Chaim Congregation.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat December 14, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

As you recall, we have been sharing for quite a while that we are in a time of “suddenlies” and “great shakings”.Yes, we have been watching for over 14 months the ongoing war in Gaza and the near elimination of Hamas, and in the north, we have witnessed the de-capitation of Hezbollah and it’s sponsors in Iran. Of course it has cost Israel dearly in casualties, and many innocents in both Jewish and Arab communities have suffered. We have seen the ugly exposure of vicious anti semitism both here and around the world. Our own nation has experienced an incredibly divisive election, with the results being a stunning and decisive (hopefully) blow to “cancel culture”, weaponization of our justice system, and a "legacy media" that has become so incredibly one-sided. Now, these are my opinions and you may disagree, but all I know is that as we have prayed, interceded and fasted, and we have seen God move! So, what about 2025? I’m not a seer or a gifted prophet, but I am an observer of movements and trends and I do believe that as we hear from heaven and obey what our King says, we will continue to see great things and yes, more shakings as we move into a new year. A Holy Bride, consecrated to her Lord, is what we are pursuing!

We hope we will see you this Shabbat as we gather at the Dwelling Place! Our address is 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401, and we begin at 11am. Have you ever been led by the Lord to do something that didn’t make sense? Most of us can say “yes” to that, and then when we obeyed we were able to understand the counsel of God! Think about some of those experiences and be prepared to share some of them during our service. I will be continuing the theme of Tremble At His Word, with a message entitled It makes No Sense And It Doesn’t Benefit Me! Of course, we will be having a potluck Oneg following the service so BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP! Remember, Hanukkah begins on the evening of December 25th, and we will be having a special CELEBRATION OF LIGHTS on Friday evening, December 27th at 6;30pm at The Dwelling place! Our special guest will be John Reed Austin, a phenomenal saxophonist, as we celebrate the Festival of Hanukkah, light the candles and enjoy sweet fellowship with one another! Invite your friends, maybe those who have never celebrated this festival, and bring a dessert or latkes or anything else we would enjoy! WE WILL NOT HAVE OUR REGULAR SHABBAT SERVICE ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28TH!

Many of you have asked how you can donate to Or Chaim:You can give online at: 

Or you can make checks payable to :

Or Chaim

1658 Deer Creek Rd. Monument, Co.80132

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Shabbat Dec 7, 2024 and Craig Hill Sun Dec 8

All invited!

Shabbat Shalom!

It’s hard to believe we are in December already. It seems that it was only yesterday we were celebrating the Fall Feasts and now we are almost at the end of the year! And, what a year it has been! I believe that we have truly undergone a “shift”, as we have seen God’s hand at work in Israel, here in America and, truly all around the globe! I truly believe it has been because of an increase in prayer and intercession on behalf of God’s people. However, as with any move of God, we as the Bride of Messiah, need to keep on pressing in to Him, and desire to walk in the holiness that He has called us to live in. It is a lifestyle of surrender to Adonai! In Isaiah 66:2 it says, “For My hand has made all these things, so all these things came to be,” declares Adonai. “But on this one will I look (bless), one humble and of a contrite spirit, who trembles at My word”. Our God is continuing to show His faithful remnant His plans and purposes, and He desires us to co-labor with Him to fulfill them!

Come on out this Shabbat December 7th as we celebrate Yeshua and honor His word! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave, Golden 80401at 11am. We are continuing in our theme The Awe Of God with a message on Trembling At His Word, and how it is so important to not just OBEY but to OBEY IMMEDIATELY! I know I’ve said it before, “the Lord is dealing with me in this area”, so, why haven’t I been doing what He said? In the “shift” that is happening, it is crucial that we respond immediately to what the Lord is saying, without excuses! We will discus practical ways to walk in the obedience that God requires. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, a reminder that Jeremy Jacob’s Turn Ministries is hosting a NIGHT OF STORIES event  on Saturday evening the 7th at Resurrection Anglican Church, in Greenwood Village at 6:30pm! The event is free but you must register beforehand. 

Shabbat Dec 7, 2024 and Craig Hill Sun Dec 8

All invited!

Shabbat Shalom!

It’s hard to believe we are in December already. It seems that it was only yesterday we were celebrating the Fall Feasts and now we are almost at the end of the year! And, what a year it has been! I believe that we have truly undergone a “shift”, as we have seen God’s hand at work in Israel, here in America and, truly all around the globe! I truly believe it has been because of an increase in prayer and intercession on behalf of God’s people. However, as with any move of God, we as the Bride of Messiah, need to keep on pressing in to Him, and desire to walk in the holiness that He has called us to live in. It is a lifestyle of surrender to Adonai! In Isaiah 66:2 it says, “For My hand has made all these things, so all these things came to be,” declares Adonai. “But on this one will I look (bless), one humble and of a contrite spirit, who trembles at My word”. Our God is continuing to show His faithful remnant His plans and purposes, and He desires us to co-labor with Him to fulfill them!

Come on out this Shabbat December 7th as we celebrate Yeshua and honor His word! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave, Golden 80401at 11am. We are continuing in our theme The Awe Of God with a message on Trembling At His Word, and how it is so important to not just OBEY but to OBEY IMMEDIATELY! I know I’ve said it before, “the Lord is dealing with me in this area”, so, why haven’t I been doing what He said? In the “shift” that is happening, it is crucial that we respond immediately to what the Lord is saying, without excuses! We will discus practical ways to walk in the obedience that God requires. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, a reminder that Jeremy Jacob’s Turn Ministries is hosting a NIGHT OF STORIES event  on Saturday evening the 7th at Resurrection Anglican Church, in Greenwood Village at 6:30pm! The event is free but you must register beforehand. 

Shabbat Dec 7, 2024 and Craig Hill Sun Dec 8

All invited!

Shabbat Shalom!

It’s hard to believe we are in December already. It seems that it was only yesterday we were celebrating the Fall Feasts and now we are almost at the end of the year! And, what a year it has been! I believe that we have truly undergone a “shift”, as we have seen God’s hand at work in Israel, here in America and, truly all around the globe! I truly believe it has been because of an increase in prayer and intercession on behalf of God’s people. However, as with any move of God, we as the Bride of Messiah, need to keep on pressing in to Him, and desire to walk in the holiness that He has called us to live in. It is a lifestyle of surrender to Adonai! In Isaiah 66:2 it says, “For My hand has made all these things, so all these things came to be,” declares Adonai. “But on this one will I look (bless), one humble and of a contrite spirit, who trembles at My word”. Our God is continuing to show His faithful remnant His plans and purposes, and He desires us to co-labor with Him to fulfill them!

Come on out this Shabbat December 7th as we celebrate Yeshua and honor His word! We are meeting at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W.9th Ave, Golden 80401at 11am. We are continuing in our theme The Awe Of God with a message on Trembling At His Word, and how it is so important to not just OBEY but to OBEY IMMEDIATELY! I know I’ve said it before, “the Lord is dealing with me in this area”, so, why haven’t I been doing what He said? In the “shift” that is happening, it is crucial that we respond immediately to what the Lord is saying, without excuses! We will discus practical ways to walk in the obedience that God requires. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, a reminder that Jeremy Jacob’s Turn Ministries is hosting a NIGHT OF STORIES event  on Saturday evening the 7th at Resurrection Anglican Church, in Greenwood Village at 6:30pm! The event is free but you must register beforehand.