Shabbat 3/18/2017
Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!
75 degrees in mid-March? Welcome to Colorado! Did we even have winter this year? That is what we love about living here, unpredictability!
Or Chaim Congregation had a wonderful celebration of Purim last week, as we compared that story prophetically to what is happening in 2017. Some of us dressed up as biblical characters, and others dressed as some kind of hybrid cowboy/girl gig! We enjoyed 'hamantashen' after service, courtesy of Jill Meisel. Many of us had fasted during the week, as we interceded for the USA and Israel.
This Shabbat we will welcome our dear friends Tim and Sandy Ravan from the ministry Global Connectors. They have been ministering and setting up houses of prayer in middle eastern nations that are, for the most part, closed to westerners. Hear what God is doing in spite of the enemies attempts to destroy, and learn how you can join with them in seeing the good news of Yeshua penetrate into places of darkness, and bring the light of our God there! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND JOIN US!
We will be starting something new this week, during our Oneg. For those of you who are interested, we will be having a "Midrash with the Elders" a time of Q and A, of things that are on your heart. It's an ancient Jewish tradition for the disciples and Rabbis to sit and discuss (yes, even argue!) about scripture or cultural issues of the day. It's a time to ask and discuss about 'what is Messianic Judaism?' Why do we worship on the 7th day? Is liturgy biblical? Or anything else you would like to talk about. Grab your food and we will meet and eat together!
Also, Our Passover Seder will be held on Monday, April 10th, at 6pm in the fellowship room. Get your tickets now by contacting Della Lort or by going to
Hope to see all of you this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
166 S Lookout Mtn Rd
Golden CO 80401