Special Speakers coming to Or Chaim
Special Guest Speakers coming to Or Chaim!
We want to let you know of some special services taking place at Or Chaim during the month of May. We believe they will be significant events for the Body of Messiah, as we see the kingdom of God advancing in our city, and into the nations. Please consider attending these meetings and inviting those in your churches and congregations to join with us.
A few months ago, Millie and I met a dynamic young couple, Ron and Nadia Kaufman, at a leadership conference in Kansas City. They are part of the team at SPIRIT OF MARTYRDOM MINISTRIES, committed to reaching the persecuted church, especially in North Africa, Middle East, and Indian sub-continent with the good news of the kingdom. Nadia has a radical testimony of being saved in a Muslim family in Algeria, that will encourage us all with her story of overcoming faith, hope and love, in the midst of suffering for Yeshua! Ron will share about how God transformed him from a broken young man trapped in drugs and immorality, to a passionate and bold witness fearlessly proclaiming God’s love to persecuted peoples all over the world! They will be coming to Or Chaim Congregation on Saturday, May 13th, and will be sharing during our morning service beginning at 10:30am. You are invited to join us for lunch following the service, and we will have an afternoon session, which will conclude at 3:30pm.
On Saturday, May 27th, we will be welcoming Bill Bullock, The Rabbi’s Son ministry, to share with us, at our Shabbat service 10:30 am from Torah, The Prophets, and the New Covenant about Shavuot (Pentecost), and how we can experience it in our lives today. He has a very unique and dynamic way of bringing us into the story of Biblical events, that leads to incredible revelation and personal transformation. Again, you are invited to join us for lunch, and Bill will have an afternoon session, from 2pm-5pm with question and answer time following.
We will be taking a love offering at both of these services, to bless these ministries. Or Chaim Congregation is located at 166 S. Lookout Mountain Rd., Golden, 80401, and we meet in Gateway On Mt. Zion Church. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Shalom and Blessings In Messiah!
Stewart and Millie Lieberman
Or Chaim Congregation