Shabbat June 3, 2017
Shabbat Shalom!
Millie and I have been at the Tikkun annual leadership meeting outside of Baltimore this week. It has been a refreshing time hearing from other Messianic Congregations from around the country, as well as Israel. We were challenged by Asher Intrader, from Jerusalem, that in order to walk in the power of the Ruach that was poured out on Shavuot 2000 years ago, we also have to embrace a lifestyle of humility! It was followed by an incredible time of response, as leaders repented of pride and arrogance, and received cleansing! I will be returning to Denver in Friday, and Millie will be heading for Israel as she joins with Paul Wilbur, and about a hundred others! Please keep her in prayer as she travels, and me as I will be taking care of my pups alone for the next couple of weeks!
This Shabbat, June 3rd, we will be having a special service as we celebrate Shavuot by praying for the congregation, city, our nation and Israel. Or Chaim is participating with other congregations in the region, crying out to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for a fresh outpouring on our lives, congregations, nation, and of course Israel! God wants to pour it out, are we ready to receive? Come and join us, and be ready for an awesome encounter with the Holy One of Israel! On Sunday, June 4th, we will be joining with other Messianic congregations at Denver's Central Park, for a time of celebration, dance, singing, fellowship and food! We will be there from 10am-4pm, come out and join us, bring a lawn chair, the kids, some more food, and let's enjoy the day together!
See you this Shabbat, and remember, we will have a potluck Oneg following the service! Please bring enough for our guests who may stay.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
166 S Lookout Mountain Rd
Golden CO 80401