Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat 7/8/2017

Shabbat Shalom!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day holiday! Interesting, that it is the only holiday known by the date it falls on, rather than by its correct name, Independence Day. This will be a full Shabbat weekend coming up, some cool things you need to know about!

All are invited to Congregation Roi Israel this Friday night, July 7th@7pm, as Israeli Messianic worship leaders Barry and Batya Segal will be ministering in music and the Word. Come on out and join with us!

On Shabbat, July 8th, we will be gathering together for a wonderful service. Our Torah service is a beautiful time as we read from the scroll, proclaim God inspired liturgy, and serve our wonderful king! We will be continuing our theme of "THINKING LIKE HEAVEN" with a message on getting out of our minds, and into God's!

WE WILL NOT BE HAVING ONEG AFTER THE SERVICE THIS WEEK! We will be gathering at the WESTENDORF'S FARM, at 5pm, for our monthly Havdalah! It's a great time of food, fellowship, and worship, as we close out the Shabbat and begin a new week. Tom and Mary will be providing awesome roasted prime rib, so bring either a side, a salad, or a dessert, or even some chicken to go with the meat! Wear comfortable "farm" clothing (whatever that is!), and bring some bread crumbs for the chickens!

Monday July 10th we will again meet in front of Union Station at 7pm to walk, pray, and encourage.

We so look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat! We do miss you when you aren't there!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Or Chaim Congregation

166 S Lookout Mtn Rd

Golden CO 80401