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Shabbat 8/26/2017

Shabbat Shalom!

We had a wonderful time last Shabbat, as the Ruach led us into an anointed time of intercession for our nation. We are now in the Hebrew month of Elul, traditionally a time of T'Shuva (turning or repentance), before the Fall High Holidays, it was appropriate that The Lord changed my plans to His. What a powerful time we had! So, this Shabbat, Lord willing, we will explore the Ministry of the Torah in our lives, as we continue to explore Paul's letter to the Romans.

Also, all are invited to the "Rocky Mountain Camp meeting", at Gateway On Mt. Zion this Friday-Sunday, August 25th-27th. The Saturday session does not begin till 3pm, so enjoy Shabbat, stay for our potluck Oneg, and join with the camp meeting! The prophetic speakers, including Jeff Collins, will be sharing about revival, and what is happening in our world today. There is no cost for this event.

I want to encourage you to come on up to the mountain on Shabbat, join with the 'Mishpacha', and worship the King!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mt Rd

Golden CO 80401

Shabbat Shalom!