December 15, 2018 Special Guest: Matt Smoler
Shabbat Shalom!
At the end of the year, as many of you do, I tend to “take stock’ of my life, my relationships and my work. As Millie has been away on a missions journey to Kenya this last week, it has given me some quality ‘alone’ time to do this! Usually I come away from these times saying I can do better in this area or that area, make a resolution to change or tweak something and then quickly forget about what it was I wanted to change! These past couple of years, I have come to realize the urgency of the time we are living in, and how they parallel the “end of the age” that the apostles and prophets spoke of thousands of years ago. You might say "big deal, Stew, we’ve heard this message before, whats changed?” I guess nothing has changed (although they have!), except I am more firmly convinced than ever before that the promises of God are true, and it is imperative that what He is doing demands a response from me/us, not just mental assent! When Yeshua returns, He will bring the restoration of ALL THINGS, shouldn’t we as Believers be working toward that now? Are my actions, words and thought life such that I am inviting His return? If not, we repent and start today! We are called to be light in a dark world, so in the coming days and months let us speak truth in love, bring blessing and not curse, and be vessels of faith expressed with joy and Shalom!
Speaking of Millie, she and the other ladies (Patricia, Amber, Lynnette and Carla), are enjoying immensely their time in Nairobi, Kenya! They are coming alongside house churches, teaching on various aspects of worship, bringing revelation of God’s heart for them, as well as sharing His covenant purposes for Israel in these days! If you have been following on Facebook, there is just an outpouring of joy, as they are dancing, flagging, and picking up trash in the community! Continue to pray for these “worshipping warriors” as they are expressing the love of Yeshua to these precious people! They will be returning on December 19th, and I am sure they are receiving as much from their hosts as they are pouring out. As Millie and I have shared before, our hearts are to “GO”, into Israel, as well as the nations! Fulfilling the Great Commission (Mt.28) is not a calling for just a few, but a command for all of us. It means to go to your neighbor, your family, your city, but also “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8)! Keep these ladies in prayer over the next days, for protection, open doors, and physical endurance!
This Shabbat, December 15th, will be a special time as we hear exciting things that are happening in regards to Israel, evangelism, and the prayer movement converging in these days, bringing forth great and lasting fruit! Our dear friend Matthew Smoller from the International House of Prayer, will be with us, and it will be an awesome and inspiring time for all of us! THERE WILL BE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP! Also, Biblical Hebrew at 9am, and Torah Club at 3pm!
Blessing and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie