Shabbat 9/15/2018
L’Shana Tova and Chag Sameach!
What a wonderful time of the year we are in, The Lord’s Mo’adim (appointed times) between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur! There is a sense of anticipation and expectation always at this time of the year as we look to the atonement of Yeshua when all of our sins are forgiven and our names are written in the Book of Life and we experience Jubilee the year of our freedom! Or Chaim Congregation will be observing YOM KIPPUR KOL NIDRE SERVICES ON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18TH@7PM ON THE MOUNTAIN, 166 S.LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN RD, GOLDEN 80401. This is a solemn and beautiful time of corporate repentance and breaking of vows, a time we enter into a biblically mandated fast. All are invited to attend this special service and join with our community and Jewish people around the world. JOIN WITH US ON WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH@5:30PM AT THE LARSON’S HOME, 117 S.ROGERS WAY, GOLDEN, 80401 FOR OUR YOM KIPPUR BREAK-FAST. THIS IS A POTLUCK SO PLEASE BRING EITHER A MAIN DISH, SIDE DISH, SALAD OR DESSERT. This is a wonderful evening of closing out this most special of days, and enjoying fellowship with our Or Chaim community! We will be celebrating EREV SUCCOTH ON SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 23RD@4:30PM AT PATRICIA DELEON’S HOME, 10578 OURAY ST. COMMERCE CITY 80022. More information about this evening will be sent out next week.
This Shabbat, September 15th, I will be sharing a very important message on “The Coming Kingdom”, the second part of a message I began a few weeks ago. We need to know the signs of the time according to the scriptures so that we can be encouraged and empowered to live as overcomers in these dangerous times!
WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! The Oneg is a special time to get to know our community better, encourage each other, and build important relationships.
We want to encourage you to take part in these special services during these 10 Days of Awe, culminating in Succoth, a time when God commands all of Israel to make “Aliyah” to Jerusalem and celebrate the final harvest! We look forward to seeing you!
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
Stewart and Millie
166 S Lookout Mountain Road
Golden CO 80401