Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat 2/9/2019

Shabbat Shalom!

I love what the writer of Hebrews says: “SO LET US DRAW NEAR WITH A TRUE HEART IN FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH … LET US HOLD FAST THE UNWAVERING CONFESSION OF HOPE … AND LET US CONSIDER HOW TO STIR UP ONE ANOTHER … AND ALL THE MORE AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING”. With the outright insanity all around us, and things getting more bizarre seemingly by the minute, we have to hold on to our unchanging God and His unchanging Word! There is a full on frontal assault on our faith and the values we hold dear that are laid out in the scriptures, but don’t give in to the temptation to walk away or give up or throw up your hands and say “whats the use!” God is Faithful and True, and I believe we will see incredible displays of His character very soon.

This Shabbat, February 9th, I will be continuing the series on A LOVING COVENANT-KEEPING FATHER  as we begin to explore in depth THE NEW COVENANT. There is so much confusion in the Body about what covenant and who it is made with that folks and even well respected preachers have come up with their own erroneous and dangerous interpretations. I will try to lay out a Biblical understanding of this all-important covenant and how we are to live until it’s complete fulfillment!


Much is going on at Or Chaim on Shabbat! Hebrew Study at 9am; Dance practice at 2pm; and of course Torah Club at 3pm.This week the Torah portion is entitled TERUMAH (Ex.25:1-27:19), which is translated gift or offering. A lot of fun activities on Shabbat!

Also, I want to let you all know that Millie's birthday is Monday, February 11th! We are having a celebration at Brio Italian Restaurant in Cherry Creek on Monday at 6pm. Let me (Stewart) know in advance if you’d like to join us...it is separate checks! You all know, my lovely and lively bride loves a good party, so we hope to see as many of you as possible!

Remember, Passover is not too far off and we are already in our planning stages. It will be Friday, April 19th at the Aurora Realtors Association and we will be selling tickets soon. Stay tuned!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401