Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat Shalom!

What an amazing time our team had in Israel! The six of us who went this year had a great time serving Israelis from severely disabled children and adults, to holocaust survivors, to those picking up trash in the Galilee! It was also a sweet time of prayer and worship with Israeli Believers where we got God’s heart for the land and His people and saw miracles and healings that impacted lives. Let me just recount two specific events briefly: an Israeli friend of ours had been struggling for years with Asthma that had almost taken her life two times. She was on the 39th day of a fast when a few of our ladies prayed over her she felt something in her chest and experienced the power of the Spirit upon her! The day before we left Israel she called and said she had experienced total release and no longer needed her medicine.  A lady on our team was working on a ladder and had a bad fall, within a few hours she could barely walk and we had to get a wheelchair for her. One day in the Galilee, at the place where the ancient synagogue of Migdala was, in the grotto of a beautiful church as we were worshipping we prayed for healing for her, afterwards, she jumped out of her wheelchair and ran up the stairs, healed! All of us sensed that this was a unique time, with all that is going on in the world, as well as in Israel. Things are heating up in Gaza, the threats from Iran are ramping up, and Bibi was indicted while we were in the land! The elections are coming up April 9th. I encourage you to prayer for Israel during this crucial season. It’s good to be back, and you will hear some sharing this Shabbat from some of the folks who journeyed with us.
I will be sharing a timely message this Shabbat as we continue to look atThe New Covenant, Not Just A Restatement Of The Old! The Lord has put some things in my heart connecting Covenant, with the rise of anti-semitism that we are witnessing right here in the good ole USA. I am believing that there will beNO SNOWSTORMS THIS SHABBAT, yes we need the moisture, but not this Shabbat!
On Sunday, March 17th at 5pm, we will be joining with other Messianic Congregations in the metro area for a CITY-WIDE PURIM CELEBRATION! We will be gathering at CHURCH IN THE CITY/BETH ABRAHAM, 1580 N. GAYLORD ST., DENVER, 80206. We will have a meal beginning at 5pm, followed by a time of worship and praise and the telling of the miraculous deliverance of the Jewish people out of the hands of the evil anti-semitic Haman (how appropriate in these days!). There will be skits as well as games and activities for children, AND YES, WEAR YOUR FAVORITE BIBLICAL COSTUME AND BRING YOUR NOISE MAKERS! The evening will wrap up by 8pm, SO BRING THE KIDS AND INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!
We will be having our annual OR CHAIM PASSOVER SEDER, FRIDAY APRIL 19TH@6PM. Tickets are on sale now, you can purchase them on our website, www.or-chaim.com and go to the EVENTS page. I want to encourage you to get your tickets soon because the seating is limited! It will be a powerful evening as we recount another incredible deliverance of our people from slavery in Egypt. It will be a night of reading the Hagadah (The Story), a wonderful catered meal, worship and dance, and just a whole lot of fun! We will be meeting at The Aurora Association of Realtors, 14201 E. Evans Dr. Aurora, 80014 There is so much more happening at Or Chaim, such as Torah Club, Hebrew class, Messianic Dance etc.We look forward to seeing you all on Shabbat!Blessings and Shalom,Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401