Shabbat June 1, 2019
Shabbat Shalom! As I write this update, Millie, Lynne, D’Vorah and I are in Ellicott City, Md. attending our annual Tikkun conference. It has been a wonderful time of impartation, re-connecting, and renewing vision for the days ahead. I love this greater “Mishpacha” that God has placed us with! Thursday morning, Lynne led worship for our group and it was so powerful! The theme has been “Breakthrough”, which goes right along with what Father has been sharing with us at Or Chaim. It has been great catching up with old friends and establishing new relationships!
This Shabbat, June 1st, Kent Brown will be sharing the message that God has on his heart. I want to encourage you all to come out and enjoy the presence of The Lord and bless one another! THERE WILL BE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, we will be having Biblical Hebrew in the morning, however Gateway on Mt Zion Church will be utilizing the whole church for events beginning at 3pm so contact Aaron about where or if Torah Club will be held. Dance practice will also need to end early this week.
Next weekend is Shavuot and there will be several activities to get involved in. I will be sending out more specific details early next week so stay tuned. On Friday evening, June 7th, we will be connecting with other churches at Resurrection Anglican in Greenwood Village for the 10Days Together prayer initiative. It will be an evening of welcoming the Shabbat, worship, and praying for Israel and the Jewish people! All are welcome! On Shabbat, June 8th, we will welcome The Rabbi’s Son, Bill Bullock, to Or Chaim for our morning service, and will also have an afternoon session. That evening we will be joining with Roeh Israel for a time of celebration worship. On Sunday, June 9th, we will celebrate Shavuot at Central Park in Stapleton, from 10am-2pm. I will be sending more specific details in regards to the “Passing The Torch” initiative on Sunday through Monday. As you can see there are many opportunities to impact our community, I know it’s difficult to do everything, but ask Father what He would have you do!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie