Shabbat Shalom! 6/8/19
Shabbat Shalom!
The theme of our recent Tikkun conference was “BREAKTHROUGH” a term that is often bantered around but not really understood in a Biblical context. We often believe it to be a “SUDDENLY” of God and often times it is. But I believe BREAKTHROUGH can also be a process over time where He leads us into new territories, new anointing, greater levels of trust and authority, etc. The walls of Jericho falling down was a breakthrough that began as a process starting with obedience to a seemingly crazy plan, walking through that strategy (literally!) and then seeing God do His thing for His glory! Millie and I truly believe that Or Chaim is in a BREAKTHROUGH season congregationally and for each of us individually and the Father wants to encourage us not to sit back and wait... but to press into Him and His word more fervently by praying with an urgency like you have never experienced!
This weekend is Shavuot, where we remember two great breakthroughs...the giving of Torah and the outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh! This Shabbat June 8th we will have THE RABBI’S SON, BILL BULLOCK join us for our morning service and continue after our Oneg lunch with an afternoon session.WE WANT TO ENCOURAGE YOU NOT TO MISS THIS INCREDIBLE TEACHER OF TORAH!! INVITE OTHERS TO THIS SPECIAL SERVICE! WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE MORNING SERVICE SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE (extra to bless our visitors) AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP.
Erev Shabbat, Friday June 7th at 7pm, we will be leading a night of prayer for Israel and the Jewish world at Resurrection Anglican Fellowship in Greenwood Village as part of the 10 DAYS TOGETHER PRAYER INITIATIVE. It will be a wonderful evening as we welcome the Shabbat, join with other churches in the city, worship and pray for salvation and blessing the Jewish people! The address for Rez Anglican is 9250 East Belleview Ave. Greenwood Village. Hope to see you there!
On Sunday, June 9th from 10am-2pm, we will be gathering at Central Park in Stapleton for our annual SHAVUOT IN THE PARK with other congregations in the area coming together for fellowship, fun, dancing and inspiration in the Word Of God. Bring blankets and lawn chairs, your families (maybe an umbrella) and enjoy the day! There will be Hebrew National hot dogs until they run out, so come on out and enjoy with the greater Messianic Community. \
At 8:30pm on Sunday, we will be entering into a 24 hour period of prayer at the Church for one another and whatever God puts on our hearts to pray FOR UNITY AND BEING IN ONE ACCORD ! PASSING THE TORCH gives us an opportunity to come together in one accord by signing up for one hour time slots where we will pass the torch (literally!) from one hour to the next. There are still some slots available, so come on out and join us, and it is fine to have several people praying at the same time! Use this link to sign up:!/showSignUp/10c044ea8ac29a02-gateway/83068266
As you can see, there are many opportunities to bless others and to receive blessing. This is when BREAKTHROUGH occurs, just as when the Disciples were in an Upper room in Jerusalem, praying in one accord, and SUDDENLY … it happened! An event that changed the world took place, maybe a SUDDENLY to those who were there, but to God it was something that had been on His heart for all eternity and those men just made themselves available!
This will be a powerful time in the Presence of The Lord! Come and join us at this special Mo’ad (Appointed Time), and be expectant that Great things CAN and WILL happen, as we seek Him, not just the things He gives us!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie