Or Chaim Congregation

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Arise, Alliance to Reinforce Israel's Security and Ecomomy

We will be in the Loveland area hosting a special very SPECIAL EVENT on Tuesday, September 10th, including a lecture and tactical demonstration from a leading Israeli anti-terrorism expert, which you, your family and friends are invited to.

My purpose for being in the area is to update my long-time friends and partners regarding Israel, the work of ARISE and to invite people to officially sign up and join our ALLIANCE.

Would you be willing to send this invitation to as many friends, family and community members as possible? I promise that they’ll have fun.

Here is the link to register: RSVP

Please do consider coming. I look forward to seeing you!

Many blessings and all the best,


President and Executive Chairman, ARISE

Alliance to Reinforce Israel’s Security and Economy


Adv. Calev Michael Myers

Partner, Yehuda Raveh & Co. Law Offices

Jerusalem City Center Branch

1 Rabbi Akiva St., Second Floor

P.O. Box 2707, Jerusalem 9430125

+972 (0)2 5371777
