Shabbat 8/31/2019
Shabbat Shalom!
Well, the effects of jet lag are still hanging around, but getting better. Millie and I returned from our ministry trip to Kenya last Friday and to say that it was awesome and fruitful does not even begin to describe how great a trip it was! Sharing with 130 pastors and church leaders from all over Kenya and even Tanzania was a great privilege at our first conference in Kakongo, Kenya. Teaching, breaking bread with and praying for so many people and seeing breakthroughs, healings and deliverance was simply amazing! Speaking in churches and Bible schools to folks that are hungry for more of God in Meru, Mololongo, and Nairobi was not tiring rather on the contrary was so invigorating! We even received word today from one of the local pastors that a woman with a “growth” in her abdomen that we prayed for who was scheduled for surgery this week was told by her doctor that she doesn’t need it because something supernatural happened and the growth disappeared(her doctor’s words)! Bwana Asifiwe (Praise The Lord in Swahili)! We are expecting many such reports in the upcoming weeks. Our host said it encouraged his whole group to keep believing.
This Shabbat, August 31st, I will be continuing our study on REALMS OF GLORY and will be looking at CHARACTERISTICS OF FAITH and how crucial it is in these days that we are being elevated in our trust of The Lord as the times are getting more and more dangerous. We also are entering into the month of Elul, traditionally a season of preparation and searching our hearts in preparation for the Fall Feasts! This will be a very important message so I want to encourage all of you to be there this week! YES, WE WILL BE HAVING A POT-LUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP. ALSO, WE HAVE HAD VISITORS WHO WOULD LIKE TO STAY AND MEET ALL OF US SO HANG AROUND FOR A BIT! I DO WANT TO ENCOURAGE THOSE WHO STAY FOR THE ONEG TO BRING A DISH SO WE DON’T RUN OUT!
We will be having Hebrew class at 9am and Torah Club at 3pm this Shabbat. We will be getting to you soon the times and dates for our special High Holiday services beginning at the end of September, and into October. Also, ladies there is still room to sign up for the joint Women’s retreat with Gateway On Mt. Zion, on the last weekend in September, and that will be a great time! On Saturday night, September 14th at 5:30pm, we will have a Havdalah fellowship evening at the Westendorf’s farm! it has been a while since we have had one and we want to encourage you to make plans to attend this evening of food, fellowship, worship and closing out the Shabbat! These evenings are pot-luck and we will be getting out more details for you in the next days! We usually cancel one on Havdalah weekends.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
Golden CO 80401