Shabbat Mar 14, 2020
Shabbat Shalom! In my 67 years of walking on planet earth, I have rarely if ever seen such fear affect this many people in so many various places in the world. At this point of writing over 120,000 people in the world have contacted the Coronavirus disease with about 1,500 here in the U.S. and about 38 people having died here as I write this. Is this serious? Absolutely! Shall we take precaution and be wise in what we do and where we go? By all means! However, as a leader in the local body and the Senior Leader of Or Chaim I want us all to take a deep breath, resist the temptation to fear and panic, reaffirm our hope and trust in Yeshua our Messiah, and cast all our anxiety upon Him because He cares for us! Abba has led Millie and I to pray Psalm 91 over the Congregation, ourselves and our family! He has called us to personalize this Psalm and put our names in the place of every pronoun and speak it out loud.I want to quote verses 9-10, “For you (you name) have made Elyon your dwelling, even Adonai, who is my (your name) refuge, so no evil will befall you nor any plague come near your (your name) tent.” This pandemic that is happening on a world-wide scale is real and dangerous but The Lord wants us to activate our faith in the fact that He is able to do "FAR BEYOND ALL THAT WE ASK OR IMAGINE” (Eph.3:20), and He will do it! As we have shared over the months and even recently, everything that can be shaken will be shaken but we as sons and daughters of Elyon are not to walk in fear as the world does rather we are to live as people who have a hope in a Deliverer and that makes us “peculiar”("strange, odd, unusual") and we do not act like everyone else! We are to walk I power, love and a sound mind. The root of the word PANIC comes from the Greek god PAN who caused humans “to flee in unreasoning fear!" God’s perfect love casts out fear. People have asked if we are having services this Shabbat. Yes! If you are not feeling well stay home or if you are uncomfortable meeting as a group you ask Father what you are to do and obey His voice. As of now, we have no plans to cancel any of our events, including Passover, which is scheduled for April 8th. This Shabbat, March 14th, we will continue our look at THE CROSS IN THE TANACH (how appropriate!) with an in-depth exploring of one of the most prophetic scriptures, Psalm 22 pointing to Yeshua’s sufferings on that Passover some 2000 years ago! WE WILL HAVE A POT-BLESS ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP. We will also be having our Hebrew class and Torah Club as scheduled. I have mentioned about us joining together with Rez Anglican Fellowship this Friday evening at 6:30pm. It is still on! The address is 9250 E. Belleview Ave., Greenwood Village 80111. The evening will begin with a light supper followed by us welcoming the Shabbat, worship, and a teaching on the significance of the Tabernacle. The service will end at 9pm and all are welcome to attend! This is another great opportunity to declare our commitment to see Yeshua’s prayer of unity in John 17 come to fruition and at the same time proclaiming to this city that our God reigns here in the Denver metro area! So, let’s take the advise from the apostle Jacob (James) who says “…submit to God, resist the devil [fears, panic, deception etc.] and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” He also says “cleanse your hands”, so let’s take that advise and wash our hands in warm soapy water often! We love you all, and we want to say from our hearts that we will all get through this time of uncertainty and crisis by trusting our God because He is Good! Blessings and Shabbat Shalom, Stewart and Millie