Or Chaim

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We Are Here For You!

Shalom Family!Millie and I as well as the leadership of Or Chaim are praying that all of you are well during these extraordinary days! We are continuing to pray Psalm 91 and other powerful scriptures over all of you! I can imagine that many of you have had to adjust your “normal” activities quite a bit, as some areas of the metro area are under “stay at home” orders. Of course we don’t know how long this disruption will last and we know that quite a few of you have not been able to work and have lost significant income during this time. Please let us know if you need food or emergency supplies and one of our leadership team will try to assist you. Also, if you just need to talk to someone please just call one of us!Last Shabbat we were able to meet with you on FaceBook Live and we had a wonderful time! Jason Morris and Simon Obert were able to come over to our house and we were able to share some of our wonderful Torah service and enjoy incredible worship. Millie brought the Parsha of the week and many of you were able to join with us online and bring words of encouragement and words of praise to our faithful God! It was our hope and intentions that THIS SHABBAT, MARCH 28TH, WE WOULD BE HAVING OUR REGULAR SERVICE  ON FACEBOOK LIVE  STARTING AT 10:30AM AND LIVESTREAM FROM THE SANCTUARY...HOWEVER UPON WRITING THIS WE JUST RECEIVED NOTICE WE ARE ON A “STAY AT HOME” ORDER! WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO LOG ON THROUGH Facebook OR CHAIM CONGREGATION A FEW MINUTES EARLY THIS SHABBAT AND LET US KNOW YOU ARE JOINING US! IT WILL BE MILLIE AND I LIVE FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS WORSHIPPING OUR KING TOGETHER AND MINISTERING TO HIM. This is how we as a Congregation will be meeting for our Shabbat services until further notice. We are still the family or Mishpacha of God and even though we may not be able to meet together physically we will be able to minister to Yeshua and encourage each other in other ways! We will get through this together!I want to encourage all of you during this time of emergency to walk in the mindset of our Yeshua who moved in an “opposite mindset” of what the world walks in. The world says “be afraid”, Yeshua said “trust me, I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind”! The world says ”hoard because you may not have enough For yourselves", Yeshua says “be generous and give to those who are in need” and He encourages us to “seek first the Kingdom” and everything we need will be provided!  As you continue to bring the Lord’s tithe to Him and your financial gifts and offerings which can be done on our website www.or-chaim.com, or you can mail checks to Or Chaim, 23696 Pondview Pl. Golden, 80401 you allow us to continue to help others here at home and those we support overseas!  I am reminded of how Yeshua walked in faith everywhere He went  He touched more lives than we can imagine because He did nothing or said nothing without the Father telling Him, He even went to a funeral and brought resurrection life!  This is our opportunity to shine and bring His Life into all and every situation we encounter whether in our home, online, in the grocery store or in prayer!Be Blessed and walk in His Shalom,Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Senior Leaders

Or Chaim Congregation

