Shabbat Oct 2, 2021
Shalom Mishpacha!
With the conclusion of Simcha Torah and all of the major Fall Mo’adim over for 2021, it is NOT, yes I repeat, NOT, a time to return to normal! What is normal anyway? There is only forward! If I am hearing from Heaven correctly, and I believe I am, It is a time of "RE-CALIBRATION” for the body of Messiah. The dictionary defines that word as “to correct or adjust the gradations or settings; to re-examine one’s thinking, plan, or system of values”, so a returning to ‘normal’ is out of the question! Moving forward is our only option and we need our heavenly GPS charged and operating!
Millie and I were blessed to attend the International Aglow Conference/MOI this past week and we came back with a renewed vision of our assignment for this upcoming season. It’s easy for me to focus on all of the evil, chaos, corruption and deception in the world, and get really righteously angry, but I believe Father is saying to us at this hour: ”WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU? He is wanting to give us plans and strategies to bring His kingdom to planet earth at this precipitous time!
Come on up to “the Mountain” this Shabbat October 2nd at 10:30am and join the family in worshipping the King of Kings and really make this a special time! I strongly sense that the Father wants to speak to us corporately through the worship and the Word that will be given. I will be sharing about what I see as the “re-calibration” that is taking place and how we are to embrace it. I have been walking with Yeshua for 42 years (I know, you’re thinking I can’t be that old!) and I have seen and been part of some amazing things, but I believe there are even more incredible things just ahead. God wants us to be encouraged and not lose hope, He is doing a great work and we are part of it!
This Sunday October 3rd, the men will be gathering for their monthly Men’s group at Lee Cooperman’s house beginning at 10am. His address is: 7574 Grand Ct. Aurora, 80016. This will be a great time of fellowship and encouragement…it always is and all men are welcome! Ladies, also on Sunday the Colorado Messianic Women’s Fellowship will be gathering at The Dwelling Place, 16800 W. 9th Ave. Golden from 2pm-5pm. These are special times of worship, fellowship and impartation so, ladies, come on out! There will be a special announcement concerning the future of the ministry and you won’t want to miss special speaker Stephanie Schureman.
Please be in prayer as Millie and I prepare to leave for Kenya in just a little over a week. We sense that this will be a wonderful time of impartation as we develop the partnership we have with the Kenyan believers. We have had this relationship with HIS HANDS OVER AFRICA MINISTRY since 2018 and have been blessed to be invited to share with their pastors and leaders in their annual conference for the second time. They have especially been hit hard not just with covid, but an increased degree of financial persecution from corrupt officials. Ask the Lord if you are to contribute to the Kenyan church…you can give through Or Chaim. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS WILL GO TOWARD BLESSING THESE WONDERFUL FOLKS!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
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