Or Chaim

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Shabbat 9/11/2021

Shabbat Shalom!
What an incredible night we had last Monday as we celebrated the Feast of Trumpets and welcomed Hebrew year 5782! It truly was a One New Man festival as Jews and non-Jews gathered to worship the King on this Appointed Time from ‘the Mountain’! The Presence of Adonai was powerful and for many folks it was the first time to observe this day, and they were blessed. The following day, many of us went to Pine Valley Ranch and enjoyed the annual ‘hike and toot’ as we brought our Shofarot up a mountain and made a glorious sound to the Lord! This ia a very active and intense time of the year as we are in the midst of the 10 Days of Awe leading up to Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), beginning on Wednesday evening September 15th.

We will be having a special ‘Kol Nidre' service that evening beginning at 6pm, it is a time of corporate repentance and confession and all are welcome to this most holy of all the Feasts of the Lord. It begins a 24 hour fast, a time of ‘humbling our souls’ and acknowledging areas where we have fallen short during the year and corporately confessing our need for the blood of Yeshua to cleanse us all! The following evening, Thursday September 16th we will close out our Yom Kippur observances with our annual Break the Fast, this year at Pete and Linda Doty’s home: 1929 Interlocken Dr. Evergreen 80439 at 6:00pm and all are welcome!

This Shabbat 9/11, I will be sharing about the significance of the Fall Appointed Times (Mo’adim) and what God is speaking to His body at this important time. Folks, as I’ve said many times in the past, these special times and gatherings are “The feasts of The Lord”, not just some randoms dates on the calendar or for the Jewish people only! He is moving, He is calling us to move with Him, these are incredibly important and strategic days where we need to be hearing what His Ruach is saying!

This Sunday September 12th the men of Or Chaim will be gathering for our monthly Men’s meeting. We will meet at 10am at Tom Westendorf’s farm, 1029 S. Bonnie Ln. Watkins, 80137. REMEMBER, TOM PAINTED HIS HOUSE AND IT IS NO LONGER YELLOW, IT IS WHITE! These are special times of fellowship and building up one another and I encourage all of you men to come on out and participate. Lee will have a sign up sheet this Shabbat for what to bring.

The feast of Sukkot(Tabernacles) begins at sundown on Monday September 20th. This is the last great feast of the Fall and is a special time as we build and spend time in a Sukkah (a small flimsy dwelling) to worship the King and look forward to the last and greatest harvest! It will be this year at the Westendorf’s farm in Watkins. We will have a special Erev Succoth service at their home that evening at 6pm and various activities taking place that week. Last year, many folks stayed at the farm and camped out. You are welcome to do it this year! More information will be sent out in the next days, so stay tuned! If you will be coming to the farm, please RSVP to Mary at (720)231-8505 as soon as you can. We will not be having our regular Shabbat service at Gateway on Mount Zion on September 25th, but will be gathering at the farm.

As you can see, there is a lot going on! It is always this way during the Mo’adim, so let’s enjoy the time and participate as best we can!
Blessings and L’Shana Tova!
Stewart and Millie



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