October 29, 2022
Shabbat Shalom!
Well, the first snow of Autumn came yesterday and we had about 4-5 inches here in the Foothills! It was beautiful and now most is gone, and the warm temps are back again! I love this time of the year, as we are seeing the last of the leaves fall from the Aspens and the elk and deer are chowing down before winter arrives. As we have shared, the Feast season this year was extraordinary and we believe that some very significant Kingdom things have taken place and will be manifested very soon. Something has shifted as far as unity and the fulfillment of Yeshua’s prayer of John 17 for the body here in the Front Range, as evil agendas are exposed and the necessity for congregations, ministries and movements working together become evident. Our heart to see the Church embrace their call to “provoke to jealousy” the Jewish people is happening, so let’s continue to work to see this move forward. Also, we see the ugly scourge of anti-semitism rising too, as we witness “celebrities” and political and even religious voices speaking openly about the Jews and Israel in disparaging ways. God is moving, so let’s see what He is doing and join with His work!
This Shabbat October 29th at 11am we will again be meeting at The Dwelling Place for our service! The address is 16800 W.9th Ave, Golden 80401. We will again be looking at the war that God is waging for our nation. Have we 'shaken our fist’ in His face to the point where He is done with us? Come on out and let’s see what God says! THERE WILL BE NO ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE THIS WEEK!
Here are some upcoming events to be aware of: on Saturday November 5th at 4pm, many of us will be gathering on the east steps of the State Capitol to take Communion! All are welcome to this event as we will be also having a time of worship and declaring God’s righteousness and justice just before the mid-term elections. PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE BY TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8TH!
On Sunday November 6th at 10am the men of Or Chaim will be gathering for our Men’s meeting! These are great times of encouragement and fellowship, so please bring a dish to share. We will be meeting at my home: 23696 Pondview Pl. Golden, 80401.
Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website https://www.or-chaim.com and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
We are live-streaming through:
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We love you all and look forward to worshipping with you this week!
Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie