Or Chaim

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Shabbat 3, 2022

Shabbat Shalom!
We have entered into the month of Elul. Depending on how you look at it, it is either the 12th month of the Jewish civil year or the 6th month of the Biblical year! Not to worry, it is a special time for all of us, as we prepare for the upcoming High Holy Days. Traditionally is a time of examining our hearts and inviting our king to expose any and all hindrances and sins that keep us from experiencing intimacy with our God! I sensed from the Lord as I was preparing a message for this week to explore what this important time is all about. In the Tanach, we see that it was a time that Israel’s kings would often venture out of the palace in Jerusalem, to mingle with the workers in the field and to re-connect with his people. Our king Yeshua is in the field and wants to meet with His sons and daughters! Come on up to the ‘Mountain’ this Shabbat and let's meet with the King together! WE WILL BE MEETING UNDER THE NEW TENT AT GATEWAY ON MT. ZION, 166 S.LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN RD., GOLDEN 80401 AT 11AM! Bring a dish to share and lets have lunch together and enjoy fellowship with one another!

As I mentioned, the Fall Feasts of The Lord are just around the corner and we are working on the schedule for our events. On Sunday September 25th at Sundown we will gather under the tent on the Mountain to celebrate Yom Teruah, The feast of Trumpets, with our dear friends of Gateway on Mt. Zion! Bring your Shofar and prepare for an awesome evening! Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement will be on the evening of Tuesday October 4th. Succoth will begin on Sunday October 9th, and we are preparing a special ‘camping’ adventure for the weekend of 10/14-10/16! We will be joining with Castlewood Canyon Church in Franktown where we will welcome our dear friend The Rabbi’s Son, Bill Bullock for special services. We will be giving you more information as the time draws closer.

As we will be under the tent, we will not be live-streaming, so come on up and then head out of town for your Labor Day holiday! We want to encourage to be faithful in your giving especially as we are entering this special time of the year. You can go to our Or Chaim website and follow the prompts for GIVING or mail checks to 23696 Pondview Pl. Golden, Co. 80401.

We love you all and look forward to seeing you this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shalom,
Stewart and Millie