Shabbat 4/2/2022

Shabbat Shalom!

Wow, April is here! I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to Spring and some warmer weather. As someone who loves to walk, its time to get my muscles moving and enjoy the beautiful outdoors again! It is also a time when we look forward to the Spring Feasts of The Lord, when we will celebrate Passover in just a few short weeks! We will be gathering in three different homes on the evening of Friday April 15th, so if you haven’t signed up yet please let us know so we can accommodate everyone who wants to be part of a Seder. Here are the locations:



-PATRICIA DeLEON; 10578 Ouray St. COMMERCE CITY, 80022

Some of the locations are getting pretty full, so let us know if you haven’t already if and where you will be attending!

This Shabbat April 2nd I will be continuing on the theme of GIANT SLAYERS with a verytimely teaching on FIGHTING THE RIGHT BATTLE! Are we fighting battles that have already been won? Or, maybe we are fighting someone else’s battle that we are not equipped to fight? God is speaking and He wants us to be gaining ground for the Kingdom, yes, we are born into Spiritual warfare, let’s make sure we are engaged in the right battles! Come on up to the “mountain” this Shabbat and worship with the family! Bring some lunch to share after the service, and if the weather is nice we can meet outside!

Men, don’t forget that this Sunday April 3rd at 10am, we are having our monthly men's meeting! These are great time of encouragement, fellowship and good eats! This month we will be having a special guest speaker so come on out and invite a friend! We will be meeting at Lee Cooperman’s house, 7574 S. Grand Baker Ct. Aurora 80016. Men, we really do need each other during these crazy days, as we are called to be Godly leaders in our families and communities!

Continue to pray for Millie who is traveling in the Land! She is in her last week and things are heating up as you might have heard in the news the last few days!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
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We love you all!! Share your love with others!

Shabbat 3/19/2022

Shabbat Shalom!
Purim has just finished. We celebrated together and did the spiel and ate hamantaschen. I was reminded the other day that Queen Esther and relative Mordechai prevented a holocaust of the Jewish people by exposing the plot of wicked Haman. This year, Purim 2022, our State legislature passed the most radical abortion bill in the nation. Unless those who fear God more than man speak up and expose the evil behind these kind of laws and say “No, not on my watch!” There will be consequences from our Creator! Prayer and letting our voice be heard is key. As in the day of Esther even though God was not mentioned in the book He was very much involved in the political happenings of the kingdom and a people was saved through the intervention of Mordechai and Queen Esther who had favor and the ear and heart of the King!

With war in Europe, Iran still saber-rattling in the Middle East and China threatening to take over Taiwan, we are here to be light in the darkness and speak truth in love when hate is everywhere!

This Shabbat March 19th I will bring the conclusion of our series on SHOW US YOUR GLORY with a message on DIRECTION FOR LIFE! After the snow this week, the weather will be beautiful, so come up to the the Mountain and enjoy fellowship, worship and the presence of Adonai after a busy and stressful week. After the morning service, join the ‘mishpacha’ for a potluck lunch in the fellowship room! Bring something to share and I’m sure there will be some hamantaschen left!

Passover is coming Friday April 15th! As we have done over the last few years, we will be meeting in homes, so our gatherings will be smaller and more intimate. We will be letting you know more information in the next few weeks, so stay tuned! We will try to have locations in homes in various parts of the metro area, so you will be able to pick a home close to you. This will be a wonderful evening as we celebrate our deliverance from slavery and our beautiful Passover Lamb!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
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We love you all!! Share your love with others!

Shabbat March 5, 2022

Shabbat Shalom!

I just had lunch with the Chaplain in a County jail. He tells me that just the other day an inmate sends him a short message, “I want to be baptized”. The Chaplain didn’t know the man so he meets with him just to see why he wanted to be immersed. The man lifts up his shirt and reveals his chest with the word “Bloods” tattooed across it. He proceeds to share that he has a little daughter and he doesn’t want to continue in the lifestyle of crime that he had been involved in since he was 14 years old. He had heard that “this dude named Jesus got the **** kicked out of him because He was willing to come and die for people like me”! Wow, isn’t that what it is all about? People, many of them in prison or maybe dealing with an incurable disease or suffering from unbelievable depression or loss of hope, need to hear our story of having a transforming encounter with Yeshua that brought new life to us, beauty from ashes! In these troubling days with so much uncertainty and pain and chaos it is important for us all to know that we were born “for such a time as this!” When Mordecai, Hadassah’s (or Esther’s) cousin, spoke these words to her she probably felt like many of us, inadequate and unqualified, to do what was being asked, but she obeyed and we know the rest of the story, God delivered the Jewish people from extermination! Your voice and your testimony do matter in these times, share your ‘story’ of redemption, hope and new life with others as we see the world becoming increasingly darker!

This Shabbat March 5th we will be continuing the theme of SHOW ME YOUR GLORY as we explore the part of who God is that we call GRACE. We all have our intellectual understanding and our perfect theologies about this subject, but do we experience Grace in our lives? All I know is that when after many years of being a child of God and even teaching on this subject, I had an encounter with grace in the person of Yeshua, it radically ‘rocked my boat’! Come on up to the Mountain this Shabbat and worship with us, and enjoy fellowship with the family! We will have a potluck style Oneg following the service, so bring a dish to share and join us.

This Sunday March 6th we will be having our monthly Men’s group. We will be meeting at Bill Thorn’s home: 8503 W 8th Ave. Lakewood 80215 at 10am, so bring a dish or some bagels and cream cheese or anything that guys would like to eat! These are special times of sharing, encouraging one another and being a blessing to the brothers. All are welcome and bring a guest if you like. Also, Purim is coming up on Wednesday March 16th and we will have a Purim Event at the Aronsteins. So save the date.

Continue to pray for the situation between Ukraine and Russia, God is moving even in the midst of war and destruction and people are coming to know Messiah!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie
Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

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We love you all!! Share your love with others!

Shabbat 2/26/2022

Shabbat Shalom!
Things going on around the globe have created an atmosphere of fear, chaos and anxiety. Russia and Ukraine are fighting a bitter war, the Iranian mullahs are threatening Israel and China is acting aggressively in Asia. Inflation is at a four decade high in this nation and so many other things are happening that, if we let them, can bring incredible hopelessness. But I choose to put my trust in the Name above all names, and what our Messiah says, “THESE THINGS I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU, SO THAT IN ME YOU MAY HAVE SHALOM. IN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE, BUT TAKE HEART! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD! (John 16:33). These are dangerous days for sure, but I am always so encouraged when I read the Scripture and hear God’s plans for the world and for us as His children … they are good plans!

I want to encourage you all to come on up to the Mountain this Shabbat February 26th, as we pray for these situations and each other. We need each other, especially during these trying times. This will be a very special Shabbat, as we welcome some wonderful guests. We have invited the Bruse family (mom and dad and their 9 kids!) to lead us in worship and praise. They are traveling to as many State Capitols as possible to declare Yeshua as Lord and this is what we will do this Shabbat! Also we will have Charlynne Boddie, a dynamic woman of God with a passion for bringing the truth of the Scripture and share the Word with us on Isaiah 22:22 The Key of David! It is going to be a prophetically fun and exciting service! This will be a great time to invite friends and introduce them to an on-fire One New Man encounter with God!

Attention Men! We will be re-starting our monthly Men’s meeting on Sunday March 6th at 10am at Bill Preussner’s home! His address is 7931 S. Lamar St. Littleton 80128. This is a great time of fellowship, encouragement and praying for one another. Bring a breakfast type dish to share and all men are welcome!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
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We love you all!! Share your love with others!

Shabbat 2/19/2022

Shabbat Shalom!I was reading from my favorite book of the New Testament Romans, this morning, and I was struck by an “aside” Rav Shaul took in the midst of this incredible theological discourse. In the 11th chapter where he is teaching on a partial hardening of the Jewish people, and how the gifts and callings are irrevocable, and so many other deep mysteries, he stops, almost mid-sentence and states “O the depths of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! …” Wow, this great theologian, Rabbi, super Apostle to the Goyim, lawyer etc. is struck by the awesomeness of the God he is trying to explain to us! It’s like he can’t go any further because he just had a huge revelation of the Holy One that just stops him in his tracks. I pray that every one of us, as we are contemplating the meanings of Scripture and how to walk in His ways would have that same kind of revelation that Paul had, the awesome revelation that He is our everything, our very source of life and that He calls us His children!

This Shabbat February 19th, Father has given me a message to share as we continue on the theme of “Show us Your Glory!” We will be exploring a powerful and yet misunderstood part of His glory, that He passed by Moshe and declared “The Name of Adonai!” Do we realize how much is in the Name of The Lord? When we have revelation of His Name, we really know Him intimately! Come on up to the mountain and enjoy worship and fellowship with the family! Bring a lunch or something to share as we meet as family after the service for food and fellowship. I talked to the weatherman, and he assures me, there will be no snow! I am kidding by the way, but the weather does look good! There are many opportunities for prayer…tomorrow Friday from noon to 1 at the Capitol and again on the 23rd as a important bill come up in the legislature at 9:00 am. Then again on Thursday February 24th between 10am and noon, you are invited to a special time of prayer for the Jewish community of Denver. We will be meeting at Rez Anglican Church located at: 9250 Belleview Ave. Greenwood Village, 80111. We will be having a wonderful time of worship and join with others in the metro area who have a desire to see the Jewish people come into relationship with their Messiah! This is very much on God’s heart as we are believing for revival in Colorado! Hope to see you there.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
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We love you all!! Share your love with others!

Feb 12, 2022

Shabbat Shalom!It is amazing how time seems to fly by these days! It is not a phenomenon just in our day, but the Psalmist speaks of this from 3000 years ago “O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days: let me know how fleeting I am”. It is not about making us feel depressed about how old we are, but to encourage us to be doing only what He is calling us to do! There are so many distractions out there, wanting to pull us away from our love of God and letting Him speak His Shalom into our lives. Too many “shiny objects” that look wonderful and enticing until we grab onto it and then see the fading “beauty” just become nothing but sand and precious time wasted in its pursuit. Feeding on God’s word, seeking and living in that place of His presence, developing kingdom relationships is the pursuit that should occupy our time here on earth and will bring fulfillment to our lives!
This Shabbat February 12th I will be continuing on the theme of Show Us Your Glory, the cry of Moshe’s heart in Exodus 33, with a message about The Goodness Of God. Do we really see how good our Father is? Do we realize that all the goodness of God is in the person of Yeshua? We will be looking at this as we gather to celebrate and worship together this Shabbat on the Mountain! Come on up and bring a friend. Many of us have been sharing fellowship afterwards, so bring a lunch or maybe something to share and hang with the Mishpacha! See you on Shabbat!
Shalom and Blessings,Stewart and Millie

PS If you notice my bride is missing it’s because she is celebrating her birthday away with me this weekend but asked if she could have Shabbat Day with her “Abba”!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
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We love you all!! Share your love with others!

Shabbat 2/5/2020

Shalom Mishpacha!

Snow! Another round of the white stuff up here in the Foothills, this time about 9 inches. That’s OK, no snow expected this weekend! God is blessing Colorado with much needed moisture!

Millie and I read a word the other day from a prominent leader in the body of Messiah. She heard three words in her Spirit, EXPOSURE, EXPECTATION AND ELEVATION. We totally sensed that is what God has been doing over the last few years! He has exposed not only evil agendas at work in our world, but He has been faithful to expose in us, His children, areas in our lives that we have given into fear, judgements and believing old lies we thought were healed! We also have a deep sense of expectation, that God is at work, in situations around the world and also in our own lives and that we are going to see some incredible breakthroughs! Finally, as He exposes and cleanses us, and our expectations are adjusted, He will elevate us into greater levels of desire for His Presence than we have ever had! Father wants us to come UP, fix our eyes on the “author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” My friends, be encouraged and keep our gaze on where He is, praise Him for who He is and be faithful in what He has called you to do!

This Shabbat February 5th will be a special day for Or Chaim as we welcome one of our Tikkun leaders and a friend of ours, Todd Westphal. Todd is the senior leader at El Shaddai Congregation in Frederick, Maryland, and has been a great encouragement to us over the years. He is a gifted teacher and has a keen sense of awareness as to what is going on around the world, and how we are to navigate things. You won’t want to miss our service this Shabbat and even invite some friends! I read this the other day and think it is important for us to consider: “The danger of missing church (Congregation) is that soon you don’t miss it”. Yes, we live-stream and encourage those who are sick to stay at home, but we miss you when you are not in our corporate gatherings! The exhortations in Scripture are clear about not neglecting our meetings, and that we are to stir each other up and encourage one another …”and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” We will be having a potluck lunch following the service where we will have a Q&A time with Todd, a time of fellowship as we break bread together! Bring something to share!

The Men’s meeting that was scheduled for this Sunday has been cancelled! We will let you know when the next meeting will be.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
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Shabbat 1/29/2022

Shabbat Shalom!
Up here in the foothills we have had a beautiful layer of snow for the last few weeks. I know, I hear some of you pining for the good ole balmy days of December, when we were enjoying unseasonably warm days, with temperature soaring near 70 degrees! Being raised in Southern California, I love snowy days, but after the Shabbat! Last week the men of Or Chaim were blessed as we got together for our annual Men’s Advance, and Father spoke to many of us about making peace with our past so that we can walk into our inheritance. A great time was had by all of us!

I have heard wonderful things about the service that the ladies led last week. A special thanks to Millie, Patricia, Erica and Laura and of course Tammy and Pastor Deedee from GoMZ for bringing worship and the Word!

As I’ve been preparing for this Shabbat, the relationship that Moshe had with his Lord has been a primary focus for me. From an encounter with a burning bush, to him crying out to see the glory of Adonai we see a man in pursuit of God, and a man who will not be satisfied until he receives what he asks for! We will be exploring this passion for the glory in the upcoming weeks. You won’t want to miss this Shabbat and we know you will be blessed!

Millie and I, and the leadership of Or Chaim want to encourage all of you during these extraordinary times to press into the faithfulness and goodness of Adonai with greater intensity than ever before! The Holy One is always working on behalf of His children, and He wants us to desire intimacy and habitation with Him more than anything else. Also, we sense that this a season of calling back the “prodigals” in our families to Him, so pray with fervency for restoration and encounters with the Living God for our kids!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.
We are live-streaming through:
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Shabbat 1/22/2022

Shabbat Shalom!
The Kingdom of God is advancing in ‘22! Come on up to “the mountain” and worship with us this Shabbat, January 22nd. It will be a special service and we know that the presence of Adonai will be powerful!

Many of our men will be at their annual men’s advance in the Black Forrest, getting blessed and being a blessing to one another. The ladies will be leading our Shabbat service at Or Chaim, with Tammy Vacura leading worship and a special anointed speaker that we know you will enjoy! Don’t worry, guys, yes there will be other men there and you are very welcome to come and enjoy and bless Adonai with the ladies!

We believe the Word that Father is giving OCC is: worship Him and expect a greater level of His glory to manifest and look for Him in the unexpected “burning bush” suddenlies. The more we desire to worship Him and behold His glory, the more those things that are displeasing to Him will be exposed and we can ‘crucify’ them completely! Join with us as we become the glorious Bride that He so desires!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Also, please continue to give your tithes and offerings…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

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Happy Sixth Birthday Or Chaim


What an incredible meeting we had the other day! Between 60-80 ministry leaders, business leaders and State legislators came together to commit to intercession for the upcoming legislature. As we have seen this State over the years adopt some of the most anti-Biblical laws in areas such as education, family and of course abortion rights, it’s past time for the body of Messiah to take a strong stand against these pervasive measures and pray that righteousness and justice will be the foundations of State government once again! We will let you know the days we will be involved at the Statehouse.

This Shabbat January 15th We will have a lunch and fellowship after the service, so bring something to share and hang with the folks! We will have a light oneg so bring your lunch and something to share and will have a “birthday” cake for dessert to celebrate our sixth year and the stepping into our seventh! God is good!

Men, remember next weekend Friday January 21st- Saturday the 22nd. The retreat begins at 3pm and will end about 4 on Saturday. The ladies and those not attending will be blessed by a special guest!
Shalom and Blessings,
Stewart and Millie

Also, please continue to give your tithes and offerings…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.


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Shabbat 1/8/2022

Shalom Mishpacha!
The end of one year and the beginning of another was marked by fierce winds, a devastating fire that destroyed almost a thousand homes and a snowstorm that made travel just about impossible. But we choose to say THANK YOU, FATHER, BECAUSE YOU ARE GOOD ALL THE TIME! Sometimes we ask God why things happen the way that they do and that is a valid question. However in the days that we are living in, I would challenge all of us to not ask “Why” but “What are you wanting to reveal to us, Father, and how are we to live and love in the midst of trying times?" We pray for those who have lost everything, we give what we can to meet immediate needs and if possible we open our homes to those who have lost their homes. Please continue to pray for the folks in Boulder County! Great revivals have often been birthed in the most trying of times and as we, the children of God, continue to look to Him for our provision, protection and source of life, revival and transformation can come out of this tragedy!

Because we had to cancel our New Years Day brunch and fellowship this past Shabbat because of snow, we will do it this week January 8th! We will meet at 11:00am in the downstairs fellowship room. Since this is a potluck, please bring a favorite breakfast or brunch dish, a salad, dessert or bread/rolls! Following our brunch and fellowship downstairs we will come up to the sanctuary for some worship and dance, and then we will share Communion together! I don’t know about you, but Millie and I sure have missed getting together with the family! All are welcome, so come on up to the mountain this Shabbat and let's set things in motion for greater visitation in 2022!

Men of Or Chaim! Our upcoming Men’s Advance at the Hideaway Inn will be on Friday January 21st through Saturday the 22nd. The cost is only $135 and this includes accommodation, great meals and our special speaker, Chuck Steckler. Please bring your payment this Shabbat and if you are writing a check, make it out to Or Chaim and in the memo portion write Men’s Advance. Also, you can go to our website to ‘tithes and offerings’, follow the prompt to ‘other’ and designate for Men’s Advance. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship and impartation and, Ladies, fear not, we will have an awesome special service for you on the Mountain!
Blessings and Shalom for 2022!

Stewart and Millie

Also, please continue to give your tithes and offerings…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.


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Shalom Everyone,

It has been snowing in the mountains since this morning. The forecast is for more snow (6 inches) through tomorrow morning. I just came back from town on I70 and it was very bad. OUR SHABBAT BRUNCH AND FELLOWSHIP SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 1ST IS CANCELLED! WE WILL HAVE THE BRUNCH/FELLOWSHIP/WORSHIP NEXT SHABBAT JANUARY 8TH AT 11:30AM!

I was so looking forward to our meeting together to kick off the New Year! Oh well, we certainly need the snow and especially in the areas hit by the the Marshall fire yesterday. Please continue to pray for those effected by this terrible disaster. Also, please continue to give your tithes and offerings…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401.

Have a wonderful calendar New Year celebration and Millie and I send blessings and love to you and your families! We will see you next year (January 8th)!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie

Goodbye2021 Happy Shabbat Shalom 2022

Shabbat Shalom and Happy New Year!As the calendar year 2021 comes to an end, we look forward to God’s blessings and breakthroughs in the coming year! In reading the Torah Portion for this Shabbat, I was taken aback by how many times Adonai tells Moses to say to Pharaoh “Let my people go …”, and the reason given is repeated just as often. Without looking, most would respond so that they could go to the Promised land or, to be set free from slavery or so that God can finally deal with the Israelites' oppressors. But Adonai says, “… So they may serve (worship) Me”. One thing that Millie and I sense very strongly as we enter 2022 is that Father is calling us into a deeper level of worshipping HIM AND SERVING HIM! Interesting as we head into the new year without a full time worship leader that He would call us to step up in the area of worship. It has never been about music or singing songs but anabsolute heart devotion and consecration to the person of Yeshua, desiring the presence of Ruach HaKodesh and adoration of Father God!
It’s still not too late for year end giving…we want to let you know that all tax deductible donations to Or Chaim must be made or postmarked no later than December 31st! If you desire to give, there are a couple of ways to donate at this time: You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788. You may always send checks to 23696 Pondview Place, Golden, Co. 80401 but if they are not postmarked or dated Dec 31, 2021 the will be counted in 2022 giving! YOUR GIVING MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO CONTINUE THE ONGOING MINISTRY OF OR CHAIM CONGREGATION!!
MEN’S ADVANCE: Just a reminder that our annual Men’s Advance with Castlewood Canyon Church will be on Friday and Saturday, January 21st-22nd. Our special guest speaker will be Chuck Stecker and this will be an awesome time as brothers come together and spend time in the Presence of Adonai! The cost for lodging and food at the beautiful Hideaway Inn in the Black Forrest is only $135! Contact Lee Cooperman for more information and payment.
Also please pray for those who are being affected by the fires in Boulder, Louisville and Superior, etc.
We love you, we thank you, and we are blessed by you! Thank you for being you and for being a part of the Or Chaim Family! Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!Stewart and Millie


Shabbat Dec 11, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!

What a wonderful Chanukkah season we enjoyed! Millie and I want to thank everyone who participated with Or Chaim in the various events that took place. One night, many of us joined with other churches and congregations to bless the Greenwood Village neighborhood by caroling door to door! We sang Chanukkah songs and Christmas songs and so many folks were blessed! Many people were surprised because they had not seen carolers in many years, one man even commenting that by our doing this it “restored his faith in mankind!” You might think “well, what’s the big deal going out to sing?” It was the intercessory praying and the intentional blessing as we walked a neighborhood that is predominantly Jewish that is the point. God is calling us to BLESS, and in a time with so much hatred, division, violence and hopelessness, we need to be intentional in imparting blessing in our communities.

This Shabbat December 11thas we gather on the mountain, I will be sharing the second part of a message entitled PIONEERING A HOUSE OF GLORY. This has been our desire for many years, and I believe it is a desire and a top priority for our Heavenly Father. I know that at this time of the year there are many things going on that keep us busy, but we want to encourage you to come on up and worship with us and be an encouragement to the body! These past 2 years have been a difficult time and there is sometimes a desire to isolate ourselves, but I often reflect on the words of the writer of Hebrews who said, “AND LET US CONSIDER HOW TO STIR UP ONE ANOTHER TO LOVE AND GOOD DEEDS …AND DO NOT NEGLECT OUR OWN MEETINGS.” We are the Body of Messiah and we need one another, because we ALL have something to offer, and also it is a way of declaring to the world and to the spiritual powers that we will gather and worship our King no matter what is happening around us!

Men, remember that our MEN’S ADVANCE will be taking place on January 21-22 2022 at THE HIDEAWAY INN IN Colorado Springs! The total cost for this event at this beautiful venue including meals, lodging and our feast speaker is only $135! Contact Lee Cooperman for more information and to register for this event.

We have been contacted by many of you wanting to know if we will be having services on December 25th. OR CHAIM WILL NOT BE HAVING SERVICES ON THAT DAY! WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO ENJOY THE HOLIDAY WITH YOUR FAMILIES! We will let you know about the January 1st service soon.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


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Happy Hanukkah

Chag Hanukkkah Sameach!

We are in the middle of the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) where we celebrate the re-dedication of the Temple after the defilement by the Seleucids. It was an amazing victory of faith over humanism, and the triumph of a tiny but committed band of zealots against a mighty army with God’s help! Yeshua celebrated this holiday in John 10, and also proclaimed at this time that He was “Ben-Elohim, the Son of God! We have been gathering together all week at various locations, lighting the candles and encouraging one another in these chaotic days. On Wednesday night many of us joined with other Congregations and churches and blessed the Greenwood Village neighborhood by singing Hanukkah songs and Christmas carols! Wow, what an incredible evening as the “fragrance” we carry in Yeshua was able to bless many households! Millie and I want to thank all of you for participating with us, it made a difference!

This Shabbat December 4th (tell me its not December already!) join us at OCC on the mountain as we worship the Lord of the Shabbat together and proclaim that He is the Light of the World. I will be sharing a timely message I’ve entitled A PERFECT STORM AND A HOUSE OF GLORY, as we are not to walk in fear during times of shaking, but intentionally go about doing the Father’s business. He is building His House His way and it’s time to partner with Him as the living stones of that House!

Be in prayer for Millie as she is participating in a One New Man conference in North Carolina. She will be on a panel with the likes of Joel Richardson and Rabbi Steve Weiler sharing about how Jew and Gentile are to walk in unity at this crucial time in history.

Men of Or Chaim! We will be having our annual MEN’S ADVANCE at the Hideaway Inn in Colorado Springs on January 21-22. We will be again joining with Castlewood Canyon Church for this wonderful event and our guest speaker will be Chuck Stecker. The cost is only $135 which includes meals and lodging at this gorgeous place! See Lee Cooperman for more details.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Happy Thanksgiving Shabbat Nov 27, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We know that these last 2 years has been a very difficult time for many of you as we have battled with sickness, loss, loneliness and even death. However we also know that Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, yes, even in the midst of trials and challenging times. The Psalmist exhorts us in Psalm 150, “let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” Millie and I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and pray that the Shalom of our God will be on you and your families! Also, we must remember the Festival of Lights or Feast of Dedication is upon us and as Yeshua says in John 8:12 “He who has ME has the LIGHT OF LIFE!”

We will be meeting on Shabbat at 10:30am. What a wonderful opportunity we have, to meet together as the family of God to praise Him and worship Him together!

Upcoming events:

As you can see, many exciting things are coming up! Also, the men will be having their annual Men’s retreat with Castlewood Canyon Church on January 20-21st, 2022 at the Hideaway in Colorado Springs! This a a great time of fellowship and teaching and ministry for all the men. Last year was an awesome time and the presence of Adonai was powerful! Our special speaker will be Chuck Stecker, and the cost for all meals and lodging is only $135! For more information on registration, contact Lee Cooperman.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat Nov 20, 2021

Shabbat Shalom and Giving Thanks for YOU!
Millie and I just returned from the annual Messianic Leadership Roundtable sponsored by Jewish Voice in Phoenix. As usual, it was a wonderful opportunity to see old and new friends and to hear what God is doing around the world! For us, the highlight is always connecting with our Israeli friends and some of our Israeli “kids” who are now adults leading ministries in the land.

The Lord has been challenging myself and others recently about being more intentional in our sharing the ‘besorah’ (Hebrew for message or report) of the good news! It is not just for the gifted evangelist, but for all of us who have the promise of eternal life, as well as the hope that builds our faith as we look to His glorious return. I will be sharing about this on Shabbat. Come on up to the mountain and worship with us!

Upcoming events:

As you can see, many exciting things are coming up IN THE NEW YEAR! Also, the men will be having their annual Men’s retreat with Castlewood Canyon Church on January 20-21st, 2022 at the Hideaway in Colorado Springs! This a a great time of fellowship and teaching and ministry for all the men. Last year was an awesome time and the presence of Adonai was powerful! Our special speaker will be Chuck Stecker, and the cost for all meals and lodging is only $135! For more information on registration, contact Lee Cooperman.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie.


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Shabbat Nov 13, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!
As I write this today, our nation has Been celebrating Veteran’s Day, a day in which we honor those who have served this country in the military. As a veteran myself, I look back to my service some 50 years ago and realize for us it was about being part of something bigger than ourselves. As the body of Messiah, we serve our Master and others because of Kingdom principles that are bigger than just our own needs and desires. Are we who comprise the body of Messiah ready to lay our lives down as Yeshua did in order to see His will be done “on earth as it is in heaven”? Honestly, when I joined the Navy as a 17 year old seaman recruit right out of high school I didn’t really consider the full cost of my decision, but as I gradually realized that I was in something much bigger than myself, a sense of responsibly to do my part settled on me. This is how it should be in the Kingdom, when we realize we are sons and daughters of the Most High and it consequently motivates us to use whatever He has given us to see His purposes come to pass!

This Shabbat November 13th I will be sharing the second part of a message on Stewardship. Do we realize He has entrusted us to build His House? Do we realize that He has already provided all the resources we need! Just because my gifts are different than yours, does that mean that I am more valued or less valued by my Heavenly Father? These are questions we often ask and we will explore what the Word of God has to say about these things. Come on up to the Mountain and let us worship Him together as one Body, with different parts that all need one another!

Hanukkah is just around the corner! It begins on the evening of Sunday, November 28th. On that first night we will light the candles on the Hanukkiah at the home of Pete and Linda Doty. There address is 1929 Interlocken Dr. Evergreen, 80439. This will be a wonderful evening of fellowship, remembering the dedication of the Temple and of course, celebrating Yeshua as our Light of the World! All are welcome! On Tuesday night the community will have a candlelighting ceremony at 5:30 pm Nov 30th at the State Capitol. Please come join and support this event. On Wednesday December 1st, at 6pm we will gather at Rez Anglican Church in Greenwood Village, 9250 E. Belleview Ave, 80111, and do outreach into the Jewish community singing Chanukah songs and Christmas carols! We will also bless the folks with hot chocolate, so all are welcome to come on out and bless them. If you play guitar, bring it so we can have several teams go out, and don’t worry about not having a great voice because it will be making a joyful sound to the Lord!

Just one more thing, the men will be having our annual Advance at the Hideaway Inn in Colorado Springs on January 20-21st. Cost is only $135, and our special speaker will be Chuck Stecker, as we join with the men of Castlewood Canyon Church for this wonderful event. We will be giving you more information in the weeks ahead.
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie


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Shabbat Nov 6, 2021

Shabbat Shalom!

Millie and I have been receiving some encouraging testimonies from our time in Kenya! As we prayed for many people, one husband and wife we prayed for had no employment for quite a while, Praise God they both have jobs! We prayed for a lady named Zibora, who had been oppressed by the demonic to the point of not being able to sleep, as we sensed she needed deliverance, Yeshua broke off the demonic forces and she has been set free and is sleeping and doing extremely well! These are just a few of the stories of breakthrough we have been receiving since returning back from Africa.The other day, several of us went to the State Capitol and prayed for righteousness and justice to be returned to this nation, we worshipped the King of kings, and we stood in the gap and cried out on behalf of the land, proclaiming 2Chronicles and other scriptures believing that revival will break out here. GOD IS MOVING! This is a time that Father is encouraging His children to complete assignments He has given, and walk with endurance and confidence.

This Shabbat November 6th we will have a very special guest at Or Chaim! This young man is an Israeli Believer who leads the Congregation in Tel Aviv that Millie and I co-pastored when we lived there. Him and his family have a passion for their people to hear about Yeshua and to see Him high and lifted up among the people of Israel! This has been a challenging time for believers around the world, especially in Israel where there has been many absolute shut-downs and draconian restrictions on gathering together. Come on out to meet this young family and let’s bless them! This Sunday November 7th we will be having our Men’s gathering at Rabbi Stewart's house. All men are welcome to these special times of encouragement, refreshing and fellowship with one another. We begin at 10am and go until noon, so bring some bagels and nosh and and let’s enjoy!

For those who are able, we will continue to meet at the Capitol on Tuesdays at 5pm on the west steps. These are special times of intercession and proclamation of worship, as the Scriptures are clear to pray for our cities and nations to declare who He is with our voices. This is an assignment for our Congregation and a call for the body here in the metro area also. Come on out on November 9th and let’s make our voices heard together!

Hanukkah begins on Sunday evening November 28th! We will be joining with other churches and ministries in the city to bless the Jewish community in Greenwood Village on the evening of Wednesday December1st, with Chanukah songs and Christmas carols! We will walk through the neighborhood singing and distributing hot chocolate, and at the same time letting these precious folks know that we love them! If you play the guitar or sing or just want to have a great time, come on out! We will meet at Resurrection Anglican Church, 9250 E. Belleview Ave. Greenwood Village 80111 at 6pm that evening. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Let us continue to come together and worship The Lord of the Shabbat this weekend!

Shalom and Blessings,

Stewart and Millie


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