Or Chaim Congregation

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Shabbat 1/28/17 Paul Wilbur!

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!

This will be an exciting weekend at Or Chaim! This Shabbat, January 28th, we will be welcoming Messianic recording artist and prophetic psalmist Paul Wilbur. He will be with us in the morning service, beginning at 10:30am, and will also be doing a concert, beginning at 6:30pm, on Saturday evening. Invite your friends, and especially those who need to hear about Yeshua, our Jewish Messiah! He will also be joining Gateway On Mt. Zion, Sunday morning at 10am. Paul was here about one year ago, and prayed over Millie and I as we were preparing to launch Or Chaim, and he is also part of the Tikkun International network that we are associated with. I would definitely suggest getting to the services early, as I’m sure the sanctuary will fill up quickly! WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE MORNING SERVICE, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH AND ENOUGH TO SHARE! YOU MIGHT EVEN WANT TO BRING MORE THAN USUAL, AS THERE WE WILL BE MORE FOLKS THAN USUAL!

God is doing much in our midst. 2017 is a year of breakthrough, so press into the things that Father has put on your heart! We are sensing that that as we embrace His call on our lives to walk in PURITY, as the called-out ones, the righteousness of God in the Messiah, we will see His POWER released in miracles, signs, and wonders. We sense also that as we make studying and meditating on His Word, a cornerstone of our lives, many of us will see anxiety, depression, anger, and unbelief broken off of our lives!

We look forward to seeing you this weekend! Also, keep the “Bless Israel” outreach team in your prayers, as we will be leaving for Israel on February 6th!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Or Chaim Congregation

166 S Lookout Rd

Golden CO 80401