Shabbat February 4, 2017

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!

Well, don’t let the mild winter lull you into thinking its over. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, and went back to bed, that means more winter ahead! Happy Groundhogs Day! Oh well, He is probably just as reliable as the pollsters in the last election! On a more serious note, don’t miss this Shabbat as we continue to explore how we are to operate in the courtroom of heaven. Yes, there is a protocol, and when we discover how to approach the Righteous Judge, it will radically change our prayer life and we will grow in intimacy with our wonderful heavenly Father! It is so important to know that we have an accuser that wants to keep us from discovering our identity. This week we will learn through the scriptures how we can effectively answer the accuser. WE WILL HAVE AN ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING YOUR FAVORITE DISH AND ENOUGH TO SHARE! For those of you going on the BLESS ISRAEL outreach, we will have a meeting during the Oneg.

Just to remind you, Millie and I as well as others will be in Israel between February 6-19, so keep us in your prayer!  Also, OR CHAIM WILL BE HAVING SERVICES ON FEBRUARY 11TH AND 18TH in our absence. On the 11th, our own Aaron Rich will be sharing the word that God has put in his heart. On the 18th, Jack and Lynette Serr from Castlewood Canyon Church in Franktown, will bring the worship and the word to our congregation. We are trying to work out details so we can do a video call from Israel on the 11th, so that our BLESS ISRAEL team can greet the congregation in real time! No promises, but we will try. The presence of The Lord has been so powerful, you don’t want to miss it. Shabbat is all about ministering to Adonai! When we exalt Him, and minister to Him, His presence comes and WE WILL BE BLESSED!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Or Chaim Congregation

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401

