Shabbat 12/30/2017
/Shabbat Shalom!
Wow, the last Shabbat of 2017! For many, it’s a time of reflecting back on the year past, and thanking God for His abundant blessing, and for others, it’s a time to say Thank you, God, it’s over! I want us all to look back on the year and rejoice as the scripture exhorts, “REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS - AGAIN I WILL SAY REJOICE!”, because I know that all of us can be thankful about many things. The hostile culture we live in is full of negative voices telling us how bad off we have it, and the news media is always reminding us that you are either a victim or that you are the oppressor. God’s word says “You are my son/daughter”; “You are precious and loved”; and, “He has good plans for you!” Join us this Shabbat, December 30th, at 10:30am, as we celebrate His goodness in our service! I will be continuing our study of Romans (what else!), and we will explore being subjected to futility - IN HOPE! The title of my message is, ‘WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?’
WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, we will be having a Bless Israel Outreach meeting at 1:30pm, to discuss the upcoming trip in February, and to pray into our time there. If you are going with us, we ask that you plan to be there!
As we have shared with the congregation, please keep Carl and Glenda in your prayer, as Carl is in the hospital till New Years Day, with bacterial pneumonia, and Glenda is struggling physically and needs to experience the Shalom of God in a powerful way. Continue to pray for Mary W. in her battle against cancer, that she will walk in victory as God heals her body. There are many other needs in our Mishpacha, so we ask that you be faithful in lifting up holy hands in prayer for our body! OUR GOD IS A GOD OF BREAKTHROUGH! Remind yourself of that truth on a regular basis, and also, remind the devil that he is defeated and that his days are numbered!
166 S Lookout Mountain Road
Golden CO 80401