Shabbat 4/29/2017
/Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!I so look forward to getting together with the family on Shabbat! A day of celebration, rest, worship, and fellowship. This week we will begin a new series of teaching on changing our thinking, in order to change our world. Have you ever wondered "where did that thought come from?", well, let's find out and find out what to do about those thoughts! Join us after the service for a potluck Oneg, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP AND MIDRASH!
This Sunday, April 30th, we will be joining the Jewish community in observing the March Of Remembrance at Babi Yar Park in Aurora. It will be from 2-4pm, so bring your Israeli flags and wear your walking shoes.
Check out the 1Church Initiative on our website, and sign up to commit to pray for our city and region. Or Chaim Congregation has agreed to cover the 24 hour period on the first Sunday of the month, from 6pmtill Monday, 6pm. You can sign up for 30 or 60 minute slots. Please join with us in this very important initiative to see this region impacted with the truth of the kingdom in every segment of society! Contact Nanci Larkin for more details.
Look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat!
Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
Congregation Leaders