Shabbat 5/13/2017

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!

This Shabbat, May 13th, we are welcoming Ron and Nadia Kaufman from SPIRIT OF THE MARTYRS MINISTRY. They have a heart to reach the persecuted church in the Middle East, and North Africa with the amazing truth of the Kingdom of God! They will be sharing during our morning service.  Following our Oneg we will have an afternoon session from 2-3:30pm. God is doing incredible things among Muslims, things that we don’t hear about in the media. Signs and wonders are taking place and are bringing those who once raised their fists to Yeshua to now bow their knees to Him! This will be a great opportunity to invite your friends, especially those who are interested in what God is doing in those parts of the world. We will be taking a love offering for Ron and Nadia to bless their work.

The following week, May 20th, we are all invited to Kaela Busby’s belated Bat Mitzvah/graduation following our morning service. After the service, those who would like to go will meet at Conifer Community Park in the town of Conifer and enjoy a picnic lunch with each other in lieu of our Oneg. Bring your picnic basket, a blanket, and your frisbee! From 3-4:30pm we will meet at Conifer Community Church: 9998 Havekost Rd. Conifer just south of Hwy. 285. Following the ceremony, all are invited to stay for food, fellowship, and fun from 4:30-8pm. Carpooling from Or Chaim is an option to consider.

On Shabbat, May 27th, we will be welcoming Bill Bullock of the Rabbi’s Son Ministry who will share with us all day. He is an anointed teacher of the Word and a gifted storyteller who brings to life the truth of how we were empowered at Shavuot!  He will be sharing in our morning service and following our Oneg will be teaching in the afternoon. You will truly be blessed by His teaching!

We will be celebrating Shavuot with the Denver Messianic community on the weekend of June 3-4, 2017. On Shabbat, June 3rd, during our service we will be praying for an outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh to be released on our city and our nation! We are part of 10DAYS TOGETHER, a local initiative of congregations and churches coming together to bless Denver, the USA, and Israel to cry out on behalf of “Avinu Malchenu” our Father and our King! On Sunday, June 4th, we will gather as a community at Central Park to celebrate the giving of Torah and the Spirit with the theme of “UNITY IN THE SPIRIT”!

As you can see there is a lot coming up in the next few weeks! The Kingdom is advancing, and Or Chaim Congregation is committed to see His purposes fulfilled in our lives, families, nation, and Israel! All of these events are catalysts to transformation! Come and be part of it!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401

