Shabbat June 24, 2017

Shabbat Shalom!

I hope everyone is staying cool enough this week! Last Shabbat, the presence of the Lord was so powerful that we just wanted to bask in it, as long as we could! I am so looking forward to this shabbat as we gather together on this special day and serve and worship the King of Glory! We will be continuing on the theme of ‘Thinking Like Heaven’, as we begin to explore how to get rid of the fig leaves that we tend to hide behind.You don’t want to miss this weeks’ service, as we press into know Him, wait on Him, and enjoy the fellowship of the Mishpacha! We will be having a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish, and enjoy the day.

Father has put on our hearts a couple of things: first of all, we have initiated a mid-week gathering to study the Torah. We are meeting at 7pm, on Wednesdays at the McDowell’s home, 50 Chase Street, Lakewood to study the DVD series entitled “HA YESOD” (The Foundation), and we have workbooks to distribute. Come on out, all are invited!

Secondly, We at Or Chaim want to reach out beyond the four walls of the congregation to a dark and dying world. We will be ‘hitting the streets” on a weekly basis. We want to speak blessing over the city, meet people who want to know God, and pray for people to be healed! We will be meeting together this Monday, June 26th, at 7pm, in front of the Union Station, in downtown Denver. Join us, and lets believe for awesome things to happen in this city!

If you haven’t been to Shabbat in a while, or maybe you have never experienced a Messianic service, come on out this week (Saturday, June 24th) at 10:30am, and bring your family and friends!

Our 2018 Bless Israel Outreach is developing and we still have about 3 seats left (we can always add more)!  If interested contact Millie at

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

116 S Lookout Mtn Rd

Golden CO 80401

