Shabbat 7/1/17
Shabbat Shalom!
It’s hard to believe that 2017 is half gone! What a great time to take stock of things: How is my communion with Adonai? How are my relationships with family, friends? Am I experiencing greater levels of peace, joy, fruitfulness? If we find ourselves struggling in these areas, I want to encourage you do do something radical. The writer of Hebrews exhorts us to APPROACH WITH CONFIDENCE the place of HIS PRESENCE, and continue to HOLD FAST TO THE HOPE, WITHOUT WAVERING, BECAUSE THE ONE WHO MADE THE PROMISE IS TRUSTWORTHY! Don’t give up on, or forget what God has said He would do! He is FOR YOU, NOT AGAINST YOU!
This week we will be continuing the theme of THINKING LIKE HEAVEN, and I will be sharing a message addressing the IDENTITY CRISIS many of us find ourselves in. When we have the very DNA of Yeshua running through our veins, we can no longer see ourselves in the mold that the society and the world has relegated us to. We need to start seeing ourselves as a NEW CREATION, that in fact we are THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM! As I have said many times, we have a choice to believe that our past and our sins define who we are, or we can choose God’s opinion about us since the foundations of the world! After our service we will be having a potluck Oneg, so bring a dish to share, and hang around for some great fellowship.
A few of us went out to the 16th StreetMall on Monday, and we had a great time blessing our city and having some meaningful conversations with people. Many folks allowed us to pray for them and speak blessings over them. We will be doing this on a regular basis, and want to encourage those who can to join us. Also, we are having a mid-week Torah study time at the McDowells’ home. We meet at 7pm on Wednesday, and we are now viewing the HaYesod (The Foundations) series, developed by First Fruits Of Zion. Come on out and join us!
There are many other things that are happening this summer, and some special services coming up that you won’t want to miss! Ron Cantor from Israel, and Messianic musician Michael David will be joining us on July 29th. In August, Matthew Smoller from IHOP Israel Mandate will be sharing with us. For those involved in the 1CHURCH INITIATIVE, this coming Sunday, July 2nd, we will join others throughout the State of Colorado for 24 hours of prayer, desiring to see the kingdom of God released into this region!
See you on Shabbat!
Stewart and Millie