Shabbat 9/23/2017


What a great time we had on Wednesday, 9/20, as we welcomed the 10 Days of Awe with a wonderful Yom Teruah (Rosh HaShana) service at Or Chaim! We were reminded of the significance of the season, as we shared the incredible meaning of this day, and heard the sound of the shofar awakening us to His presence, and looking ahead to His soon return! We ended the evening with the traditional apples and honey, a promise of a sweet and fruitful New Year! What a special time of the year, as we ask God to search our hearts, repent from ways that are contrary to His purposes, remember His incredible forgiveness, and look forward with great anticipation to our eternal dwelling (Succah) with Him.

This Shabbat, 9/23 at 10:30am, we will open up our service for Midrash. Because of the significance of the season, we want to be able to discuss questions you may have in regards to the Feasts of The Lord and the New Covenant or you may have a question about a particular scripture. This is a great opportunity to ask the elders, or if we don’t know the answer (believe me, that is entirely possible!) someone in the congregation may have revelation! Be prepared to ask questions, this is the process the Rabbis would use with their disciples, and Yeshua would often “Midrash” by sharing a parable to make a greater point. We will end our service by taking the Lord’s Supper together. THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH, AND ENJOY THE FELLOWSHIP!

Dont forget, Or Chaim Congregation will be having a Yom Kippur Kol Nidre service next Friday, 9/29 at 7pm. We will have our regular Shabbat service on 9/30 but will not have an Oneg following the service as we will be observing the traditional fast. Join us on Saturday evening 9/30 at 5pm as we come together to break the fast at the home of Larry and Joyce Larson in Golden. It will be a wonderful evening as we close out Yom Kippur and break bread together!

On Erev Succoth, Wednesday 10/4 at 6pm we are invited to Tom and Mary Westendorf’s farm to enjoy an evening in a “Succah” sharing a potluck dinner. We will end the evening with worship and fellowship! They will be sending directions to their place in Watkins so come on out and invite your family and friends! as a matter of fact invite them to all the special services coming up!


Stew and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401

