Shabbat 1/27/2018
/Shabbat Shalom!
In my reading this morning, I was struck again by one of the most amazing verses in scripture! Gen.50:20, “Yes, you yourselves planned evil against me. GOD PLANNED IT FOR GOOD, IN ORDER TO BRING ABOUT WHAT IT IS THIS DAY - TO PRESERVE THE LIVES OF MANY PERSONS.” I have always seen this verse as the preview of Rom.8:28, where He works ALL THINGS for the good for those who LOVE GOD and are CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE! Know what our Father has spoken to you, hang on for dear life, and we have a promise that kingdom things will take place! Those of you who are in the midst of a battle, cry out to HIM, and be encouraged that it all has a purpose from His perspective if we don’t lose hope!
This Shabbat, January 27th at 10:30am, we are back in Romans 9, as we explore the question “HAS THE WORD OF GOD FAILED? Of course, we all know the answer, oh, do we really? Some of us walk around acting as though maybe His Word has failed, we just don’t tell anyone, and then we become discouraged, apathetic and inwardly give up. Come this Shabbat and lets learn where Israel fits into this! This week, Our Torah Midrash will be only in the morning at 9am. THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP!
Following the meal, we will be having our Community Core meeting, for those who call Or Chaim their “home”, and love being part of our community. We will share our vision, our mandate, and our values. We will also update the congregation on our financial well-being. PLEASE PLAN ON ATTENDING, THIS AN IMPORTANT MEETING! We will also give opportunity to ask questions and bring suggestions to leadership. The start time of the meeting will be approximately 1:45-2pm.
Please continue to pray for those in our congregation who are sick, also, pray for your leaders, as we are asking Father for wisdom and direction as we begin this new year!
Blessings and Shalom!
Stewart and Millie
166 S Lookout Mountain Rd
Golden CO 80401